#63 You go into labour

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This is sort of a part two to the last imagine. The next imagine will be a part 3 to this

Your POV

We were still staying at Mauras house as we wanted the baby to be born here. After the baby's born we are staying here for a few weeks and then going back home.

All of Niall's immediate family was around Mauras house. His dad, mum, Greg, Denise , Theo and his nan was here.

We were all sat around a large table outside and Bobby was doing the BBQ as it was a warm and sunny day.

The seating plan at the table

Maura.   Me.   Niall. Niall's nan
Denise.     Greg.   Theo.  Bobby

"When is the due date y/n?" Niall's nan asked  from the seat next to Niall.
"She's due in a week" I told her. "Oh so it's a girl?" She asked and I nodded. "You both excited then?" She said
"Very" Niall and I said in unison.

Niall held my hand and we both rested our arms on the arm of the chairs.

I felt a slight pain in my stomach.
I must have squeezed Niall's hand without noticing because he turned to me.
"You okay?" He asked. I nodded and smiled slightly. "Yeah" I said.

I continue yes talking to Maura while still holding Niall's hand.

I felt another pain in my stomach but this one was far worse. "Ow" I said sucking in a breath and clutching my stomach.
"Y/n, princess , are you okay!?" Niall asked worried.
I shook my head. "I..I think I'm in labour" I said breathing heavily.
Every one heard what I said and turned to look at me.

"Niall! Do something! Help me!" I yelled as another pain shot through my stomach. Me yelling seemed to knock some sense into Niall.
"I..I'll go get the baby bag" he stuttered. "Hurry! Please!" I cried. Niall quickly went inside as Maura and Bobby helped me stand up.

It had been 5 minutes since Niall went inside and the pains were getting worse.
"This hurts so much! Niall!" I cried yelling for Niall.

Niall came running out with the baby bag thrown over his shoulder.
He took over for him mum and he and his dad helped me into Niall's Range Rover.

Bobby got in the passenger seat and Niall got in the drivers seat, maura was in the back with me.


We arrived at the hospital and I was immediately given a wheelchair and wheeled into a room with a bed. I lied down on the bed and my stomach was soon covered with wires that were checking the baby's health.
Maura and Bobby were in the waiting room as I could only have 1 person with me.


"You are 10cm dilated, your ready to deliver your baby" the midwife said.
I looked at Niall worriedly.
"You'll do amazing" He whispers and pecked my lips.

"3..2..1 push!" She instructed. I pushed as hard as I could for 10 seconds. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" I cried gripping Niall's hand.
"Come on baby, you can do this, just think soon we will have our little princess with us" Niall encouraged brushing my hair out of my face. "And relax" she instructed.

I pushed two more times until I heard the heart warming cry of our baby girl.
The tears escaping my eyes were tears of joy no longer tears of pain. I glanced at Niall and he was grinning and his eyes were watering.
"You did it! I love you so much!" He said and I smiled.

The doctors came back and placed our baby girl in my arms.
"Do you have a name?" The doctor asked and we nodded.
"Aaliyah Grace Horan" Niall said still staring at our perfect daughter.
"Aaliyah Grace Horan, born on the 16th Of July 2017 , weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces" the doctor said and left the room.

"Is it okay if we come in?" Bobby said poking his head around the door. Niall and I nodded smiling and Bobby and Maura entered the room closing the door behind them. Mahra sat on a chair to my left and bobby sat on the chsir next to Niall who was on my right.
"Shes gorgeous" Maura whispered.
"Congratulations you two, shes perfect" Bobby said.

I looked down at my perfect baby. She was beauticuo. I studied her features.  She was still sleepinf but im sire she has Nialls eyes. She had Nialls lips and brown hair and my nose.

"You ready to hold her Niall?" I asked him since he hadn't held her yet.
"Uh yeah" he said nervously.

I passed our baby to him and he held her in his arms . He looked down  at her and instantly smiled. I took a photo of them together.

I saw a tear escape his eye. Bobby wiped it and chuckled. Niall laughed and continued to look down at our daughter. She started to move around slightly in his arms and she opened her eyes.
She stared up at Niall and he smiled at her. I took another photo of them both looking at each other.
"Hello princess, I'm your daddy" He mumbled and held her tiny hand.

Niall Horan Child Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now