#95 Your daughter asks about how you met

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Niall's POV

"C'mon princess , time for bed!" I said to our 6 year old daughter.
"Do I have to daddy! I'm not tired yet!" Aaliyah whined.
"Yeah princess, big girls like you need lots of sleep so they can grow big and strong!" I said to her.
"Can you tell me a story?" She asked.
"Of course princess, but you need to get your pyjamas on" I told her and she nodded.


Once I had helped her get her pyjamas  on she climbed into her bed and I tucked her. I sat on the bed next to her as she cuddled into my side
"What story do you want me to tell you?" I asked her.
"Can you tell me about you and mummy ?" She asked and I nodded.

"Well , when me and mummy where 18, mummy really liked mine and your uncles band. When we did a meet and greet , I met mummy and I signed some things for her. I wrote my phone number on her album because I thought she was really pretty and was very nice.
Later that day, she text me saying hello and we started to talk to each other" I explained .
Y/n then suddenly came in the room and joined in with the story.
"Daddy then asked me out on a date. He took me out to dinner and then after that we went on many more dates until your daddy finally asked me to be his girlfriend. 4 years later we both went on holiday to Paris for Valentine's Day and he proposed which means he asked me to marry him" Y/n added.
"After 1 year of me proposing, me and mummy got married at a nice church in Ireland with all our friends and family with us. I had a black suit on with a blue tie and mummy had a stunning white princess dress on, she looked beautiful" I said and y/n blushed while smiling.
"After we got married we had a big party at night, all our friends and family where there and at the party mummy and I danced together and had lots of fun at the party. After the wedding we went on a holiday together which is called a honeymoon" I explained.
"We went to a place called Hawaii , its near America and its very beautiful"
y/n chipped in.
"When we came home me and mummy decided that we wanted to have a baby and luckily we where blessed with you and you where in mummy's tummy for 9 months. 9 long months me and mummy had to wait for you but when you finally arrived me and mummy where so happy!" I told her and Aaliyah smiled.

I kissed her forehead and y/n did too.
"I love you mummy, I love you daddy" she whispered as she closed her eyes .
"I love you too princess" I replied.

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