#117 Telling his family you're pregnant

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"Niall? What are you doing?" I giggled as he rubbed lots of sun cream over my stomach.
He put my lose fitting vest back over my stomach.

"Gotta keep my little babies safe!" He said as he sat back down next to me.
I smiled.

I was currently 4 months pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl.
They are honeymoon babies, they were conceived on our wedding night.

"You enjoying your birthday?" I asked him. Today was his birthday. We where one holiday in a villa in Barcelona. He just wanted a little holiday with his family , so his parents and his brother were coming here today.
"Yeah, get to spend it with you and my family, what could be better? And next year, we will have two more family members to celebrate with"He said and I smiled.


We was all sat outside in the sun. By we, I mean, me,Niall, Maura, Bobby and Greg.

"Mum? Do you still have my old teddy bear that you gave me when I was born?" Niall asked. "Yes, why do you need it? You haven't wanted that since you were 12" Maura asked confused. "I need to pass it down to the next generation" he said trying to hold back his grin.

His family were confused for a second but soon after their eyes widened and they broke out a massive smile.

"You mean? Really? I'm gonna be a grandma?" She asked and we both nodded.
They all attacked us in hugs.
"I'm so happy for you, love, you're not my little baby anymore!" Maura gushed while hugging Niall.
"You're going to have  a gorgeous baby" Maura said as she hugged me.
"Congrats son, you'll be a brilliant dad" Bobby said hugging Niall and then me.
Greg and and hugged us both.
"Finally I'm an uncle!  Theo will be so happy" he said.


We where all sat around a table in the sun.
"So how far along are you?" Bobby asked.
"4 months" I told him. "4 months? Where's your bump?" Greg asked. "My shirt is lose, its there!" I said as I lifted my shirt up showing my swollen stomach.

"If you're 4 months along you must know the gender" Maura said and we nodded.
"First of all genders, it's twins" Niall said.
"Twins! Holy shit! You lucky bastard!"  Greg exclaimed and we all laughed.
"What the genders?" Bobby asked.
"A boy and a girl" Niall answered.

"The only problem is that their is a high chance that we will lose the girl, but they said that if we take extra precautions and be careful she should be fine so like y/n has to protect her stomach from the sun and things like that" Niall explained .
"Oh my, is sure she will be fine" Maura said.
"She's a Horan! She's bound to be fine!" Greg said.

"Finally a granddaughter and another grandson!" Maura gushed smiling. "You couldn't have chosen a better wife , Niall" Maura complimented and I smiled. "Thank you" I said.

"Do you have any names in mind yet?" Bobby asked and we nodded. "We've discussed it a little bit and chosen some that we like "  I told him. "Tell us some of your suggestions!" Greg said eagerly. "I need to know the names of my grandchildren!" Maura said and we smiled.
"We like the names Ethan and Aaliyah, and they go well when you say them together which is what we want, we want their names to sound good together, so most likely that is what they will be called" I told them.
"They do sound good together and they're gorgeous names how did you come up with Aaliyah?" Maura asked.
"Our hair stylist on tour, Lou, she had a friend who has a daughter named Aaliyah and I really like the name and I like that the names aren't very common. Ethan is a little more common than Aaliyah but not by much" Niall explained.

"What about middle names? Any in mind? Or are they not having them?" Greg asked.
"We've decided that Ethan's middle name is going to be James like Niall's" I told him. "Ethan James Horan, I like that" Bobby said. "What about Aaliyah?" Greg asked. "We have a few in mind but we haven't decided on hers yet" Niall explained. "Tell is the few you have in mind maybe we could help" Maura said.
"The ones in mind are Rose,Grace, May and Olivia" Niall said.
"I like Olivia" Greg said and Niall and I agreed. "But Olivia doesn't really go with her name, Aaliyah Olivia Horan" i said.
"She needs a shorter name because her names quite long" Maura said.
"I like Grace" Bobby said and we all nodded in agreement. "Aaliyah Grace Horan" Niall said. "That goes well it flows together" Maura said and w nodded.
"Well then, their names are Ethan James Horan and Aaliyah Grace Horan" I said and then I felt the babies kick. I placed my hand on my stomach.
"They kicked! They must like the names" i said.

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