#40 Twitcam

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"Y/n, can you do a twitcam with me?" Niall asked coming into the kitchen. "I can't I'm making dinner" I said. "Oh okay" he said.
"How are my little babies doing?" He asked our 8 month old son and daughter in a baby voice . They just smiled and giggled.
"Are you okay with them or do you want me to take them in the living room?" Niall asked. "I'm fine with them, if you want to take them you can" I said.

"I'll take their high chairs for them to sit in rather than them both sitting in my lap" He said and I nodded.

Niall's POV

I put both high chairs either side of my chair for my desk. The pink highchair was on my left and the blue high chair was on my right.

I put Aaliyah in the pink high chair, Ethan in the blue highchair and sat down in between them.


"How old are the babies?" I read out . "The twins are 8 months old, they turn 1 in September" I answered.
"A lot of you are saying they both look like me, but I though Ethan looked more like y/n and Aaliyah looked more
like me" I said.

"Niall?" I heard y/n say. "Yeah?" I asked loudly so she could hear me. "Have they got their teething toys with them?" She asked. "No" I replied loudly.
She came into the room and to me and the twins.
She gave Ethan his teething ring and gave Aaliyah hers. She also waved to the camera and said hi. "They're saying that the babies both look like me, not just A, do you think they do?" I asked her.(A is a nickname for Aaliyah)
She looked between me and Ethan. "Yeah, he does a bit, he has your eyes and hair but my nose and lips whereas she has your eyes, hair and lips and my nose" she said and I nodded.

She kissed my cheek and left the room to finish cooking dinner.
"How is the album coming along?" I read out. "It's coming along good, I've been writing when I have free time, so when these two are asleep and I think Liam's been writing some songs too, so we just need to decide which ones to have on the album and record them, we already have around 7 or 8 songs recorded" I explained.

"What is the most annoying thing about your son and daughter?" I read out loud chuckling. "Well, there my kids so I'm not supposed to be mean to them but Ethan seems to just leave mess wherever he goes, so we don't need to be worried about him going missing and Aaliyah just can't seem to sleep for a full night. She will wake up at least 4 times and it's just so tiring getting up and seeing to her , we don't even know why she doesn't sleep the full night though, we even took her to the doctors to see if she had a sleeping problem but she's perfectly healthy" I explained.
"What do you love the most about Ethan and Aaliyah?" I read out loud.
"I love them both loads but the thing I love the most about them is that...uh..it's hard to choose just one thing I love about them... Ethan is just always up for food and he also loves watching football with me and we sometimes sit on the floor and roll a football to each other" I said. "And Aaliyah, if you're ever feeling down or stressed or worried about anything you would just look at her, she would smile at you and you'd instantly forget about all your problems, her smile just brightens up the room" I said smiling.

"What was your first though when you saw and held your babies?" I read out loud.
"Well I first had a glance them when they were being pulled out of y/n's uterus because she had to have a c-section because there is risks when having twins. They where immediately took away to be cleaned and have tests but when they where brought back I held Aaliyah first and y/n held Ethan. My first though was 'wow, I'm a dad, I have a son and daughter that are half me'" I explained .

"How did you feel holding them for the first time?" I read she it loud.
"Holding Them both for the first time felt amazing . When I held Ethan I was just thinking about all the things I'd be able to do with him, like playing football, golf and things like that and I also felt that I should hide them both away from the world and protect them. When I first held Aaliyah, I suddenly felt really protective, more protective than I felt holding Ethan which confused me but I also thought about everything I'd be able to do with her, like playing dolls ,dressing up, having tea parties and letting her do my makeup with some little kids makeup kit and I thought about how I would fight boys off when she's a little older. When I held Ethan , we'll both of them actually I also thought about how I wanted them to have a bond with me like I have with my dad, I can ask or talk to my dad about anything and he would tell the truth and I'd not be embarrassed. I would like Ethan and Aaliyah to never be scared to tell me anything or ask anything" I explained.

"Which twin was born first?" I read out loud. "Ethan was born first and then Aaliyah 6 minutes later" I said.

"Are they identical twins?" I read out loud. "They are fraternal twins, they look the same but I guess that's because they're siblings" I said.

"How did you feel when you found out you where having twins?" I read out loud.

"I was extremely happy but also scared because I didn't know how y/n and I would take care of two newborns and I didn't know what y/n would do if I had to go on tour again . But either way, y/n and I where very happy about having twins" I said.

"How did you feel when you found out you were going to have a son and daughter?" I read out loud.

"I was so happy, I cried, I actually cried because of how happy I was. I thought I would have to wait a few years to have another baby of the opposite gender, because I had both, a son and daughter . I was so happy but y/n and I where so convinced it was going to be two boys" I said.

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