#74 Your young daughter is sexually abused

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Your POV

Niall and I had just picked up our 4 year old daughter from the babysitters house. Her babysitter is one of Niall's brothers friends. He went to school with Niall's brother, so Niall had known him for a long time.
However, out little Aaliyah had been acting strange, she was quiet which is unusual since he is usually loud like Niall.


Niall's mum was now at our house, she was in the living room with Aaliyah while Niall and I were in the kitchen.

"I feel like something happened when she was with him, she's acting strange" I sighed. "I know, but how exactly are we supposed to ask her what happened?" Niall asked and I shrugged.


Maura was still in the living room with us but we needed to ask Aaliyah what happened.

"Aaliyah" Niall said leaning down in front of her as she was sat next to Maura. "Yeah daddy?" She asked. "What happened at the babysitters house?" He asked. She shrugged. "We played some games" she said. "What sort of games?" I asked. "I don't know but he said the game was were he would touch me in my private place" she said. We all gasped. "Did he touch you there sweetie?" Maura asked and Aaliyah nodded.

Niall turned red. "Mum, watch Aaliyah please!" Niall said as he grabbed his jacket leaving. I quickly ran after him as he drove angrily to the babysitters  house.

We arrived and he knocked . As soon as the babysitter opened the door , Niall pushed him and he tumbled on the floor.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Niall yelled. "You're a dirty little bastard!!" I shouted. The babysitter stood up looking confused. "If you think I'm going to let you get away with touching MY DAUGHTER then you can think again!" Niall yelled. "She's 4! You fucking sexually abused a 4 year old! You sexually abused my fucking daughter! What the fuck is wrong with you, your dirty bastard! You won't get away with this!" Niall yelled punching him in the face and leaving.

I quickly ran after Niall, me being just as furious as Niall is. We climbed in the car and Niall began the drive home. He still looked angry, his face was red and he was gripping the steering wheel.

"She's not staying with a babysitter anymore" I said. "Definitely not! She can either stay with the boys, our families or just come with us!" He said through gritted teeth.
"Go to the police station" I told him.
"That's where I was planning on going anyway" he said.


"Hello I would like to report something serious that has happened" Niall said to the police officer.
"Okay follow me please" she said leading us to a room.

We sat opposite a male officer.

"So what's the problem that needs reporting?" He asked.
"Our daughter was sexually abused" I told him.
"Okay, how old is your daughter? And why can't she report this herself?" He asked. "She turned 4 two months ago" Niall told him. "Do you have any evidence?" He asked. We shook our heads, we didn't have any physical evidence. "She told us" I said to him.
"Is there anyone that could possible bring your daughter here? So we can ask her about what happened" he asked. We nodded. "Would we be able to stay in the room with her?" Niall asked and he nodded. "Yes, we can't interview a child under 16 without a guardian or parent" he said.


Maura had now brought Aaliyah. Maura was outside while Niall and I were in the room with the police officer and Aaliyah was sat in between us.

"So can you tell me what happened exactly?"  The officer asked her.
"The babysitter said let's play a game so I said okay. He said the game was were he would touch my body and he touched me in my private area even though I told him not to, b..but when I told him no.. he hit my back" she explained.
"What's the babysitters name?" The office asked us.
"His name is Oliver Asher, he was a family friend that I had known my whole life, due to him being one of my brothers friends" Niall said.

"Aha , we've had many cases like yours reported in which he has sexually abused young children" The police officer said."how old?" I asked. "I am not supposed to tell information but since the same thing happened to your child I will" he said.  We nodded. "He had sexually abused many young children. The age ranges have been from 1 year old babies and 7 year old children, all female" He said. "How long has this been going on for?" I asked . "The first case against him in which he pleaded guilty to was 9 years ago" He told us. "This could've happened to her more than once" Niall whispered. "Why isn't he in Jail?" Niall asked. "Well I wonder about that myself, but he's only ever bee to one court date, but then he was found guilty and only sentenced for two years" He said.
"Well I think people who do that to kids and anyone in general should be sentenced to life" I said.

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