#17 Talking about your children in an interview

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Today Niall and I had an interview with James Corden and Louis had offered to look after our 3 children, 13 year old Ethan, 5 year old Grace and 1 year old Aaliyah.


"Our next guests are one other than Mr and Mrs Horan!" James said and Niall and I walked out on stage hand in hand.

We hugged James and sat down on the sofa.

"So which one of the boys did you leave your kids with?" James asked. "Louis, so we are probably going to get pranked a lot this week" I said and he laughed.

"You have 3 kids together right?" James asked. "Yes, we have a 13 year old son named Ethan, a 5 year old daughter named Grace and a one year old daughter named Aaliyah." I told them.

"Tell me about them" James said.
"Ethan is embarrassed to go anywhere with us, Grace is definitely a sociopath and Aaliyah is just chill, but always makes weird faces" Niall said.

"A sociopath? Why do you think your 5 year old is a sociopath?" James asked laughing .
"It's just, if we tell her off for doing something she shouldn't, like touching the oven when it's on, she'll just look up at you , glare at you and say 'oh sorry'" Niall said imitating our daughter.
"That is actually true and Ethan won't let us take a picture of him or if we are all out as a family he'll either walk ahead of us or behind us" I said and the audience laughed.
"What about the baby?" James asked.
"Oh she's cool, her and Grace are the only ones not embarrassed by us and they actually let us take pictures of them, but with Aaliyah she'll be on the floor in the living room crawling around and playing with her toys and she'll just be crawling around doing the duck face" Niall explained and I nodded. "She does! I've actually got a video" I said showing James the video of Aaliyah crawling around doing the duck face.

"Oh there's also this photo which proves Grace is a sociopath" I said showing him the photo of Grace glaring at nothing.

"Irene be once, our dog, Max, had peed on the stairs and I mumbled to myself, 'Fuck Max, now I have to clean this up' and I didn't realise Grace was behind me until I heard her say 'Fuck Max!" Niall said making his voice high when he imitated Grace.

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