#102 Your son gets into a fight

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Your POV

15 year old Ethan and 12 year old Aaliyah was at school and Niall and I where at home with 1 year old, Isabelle.

My phone began ringing and I noticed it was the high school calling me.

I answered it.

"Hello?" I said into the phone. "Hello, is this Mrs Horan?" The principal asked. "Yes, what seems to be the problem?" I asked. "Your son has gotten into a physical fight, you must come for a meeting as soon as possible" He explained.
"Okay, I will come right now" I said and put the phone down.

"Niall?" I yelled up the stairs. He came downstairs with Isabelle in his arms. "Yeah love?" He asked.
"Ethan's got into a fight, they want us to go to school to get him now" I told him. He sighed. "I'll call my mum, see if she can take Isabelle while we go" he said and I nodded.
I took Isabelle and Niall left the room to call his mum.


Niall came back in the room. "She said just take her to her house on the way to the school" Niall said.

We quickly got into the car and took Isabelle to Niall's mums. Maura knew about Ethan's fight since Niall told her over the phone.


"Hello Mr and Mrs Horan" The principal said as we shook his hand and sat either side of our son.

"So what's the problem?" Niall asks politely. "Your son had gotten himself into a physical fight with two other student in his classes. The other students have burst noses, black eyes and burst lips" He explained and we nodded. "We would also think its best if he is taken home and he will be suspended for two weeks" He said and we nodded.

"I'm also expecting that he would be punished at home" He said and we nodded.

"I had a reason for hitting them" Ethan muttered.
"And what exactly was your reason Ethan?" The principal asked.
"They were bullying my little sister and hurting her! Why should I get suspended when they're the ones bullying! All I did was stand up for my sister!" Ethan explained sounding quite angry.

"You did the right thing standing up for her E" I mumbled to my son.

"My daughter will also be coming home with us" Niall told the principal.
"I'm afraid that can't happen Mr Horan. No child can be taken from this school if they are perfectly fine" The principal said.
"I'm sorry, but you will not tell me what I can and not do with my daughter. Now go get her or I will" Niall said through gritted teeth. "I can't do that Mr Horan. There's no reason why she needs to go home" The principal said.
"She is getting bullied and I've only just been informed about it! She will be coming home with me no matter what. I'm in charge of my daughter not you!" Niall yelled.

The principal quickly left the room to get Aaliyah.

He returned with Aaliyah and she smiled once she was us.
"Hey princess, I'll find a way to stop the bullying, I promise" Niall said suddenly not angry anymore.
"Thanks dad, and thanks Ethan for standing up for me" she said


We all climbed into the car and Niall began driving to Mauras.
"So what did you do the other boys? Because you don't look like you've been in a fight" Niall asked Ethan.
"Well I saw them bullying Aaliyah and saying mean things to her so I went up behind them, dragged them the the floor and punched them a few times until the fight was broke up" Ethan explained.

"Just though we'd tell you, we aren't going to punish you. And I'd rather you have two weeks off school for standing up for family than stay in that school with that principal" I said and the 3 chuckled.

"What were they saying to you Aaliyah?" Niall asked.
"They were saying that I'm ugly, a loser and that I only have friends because of who you are, even though I know it's not true" she explained. "Don't let them get to you" I told her. "I won't mum" she said.


"Why on earth did you get into a fight? " Maura asked Ethan as we arrived, handing Isabelle to Niall as we all entered the house.

"These two lads from my classes were bullying Aaliyah and saying mean things to her so I went up behind them and hit them telling them to leave her alone" Ethan explained sitting down.
"Oh, well what's the school done about it?" She asked.
"They didn't believe me so they've suspended me for two weeks" he told her.

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