#4 Family Reunion

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Today you,Niall and your 3 year old twins luke and lillie where all going over to Maura's house (Niall's mum) for a family reunion. All of Nialls family will be there,his nan,grandad,mum,dad,brother, cousins,nephew and aunties and uncles. You had already met most of Niall's family but you hadn't met a few of his cousins.

"Niall can you help me get the kids ready?" You shout to him since he was downstairs. He comes upstairs and into your shared bedroom which you and the twins was in. "What do you need help with?" He asked you sweetly. "Can you put Lillie's pink dress on her please, its over there on the chair" you told him and he nods getting her dress of the chair. "Oh and her shoes please" you quickly add. You carry on getting Luke ready. You put a white shirt and black jeans on luke with his white converse and Lillie was wearing a pink dress with some little pink Velcro shoes. "Time for you hair now buddy!" Niall says picking up luke and taking him into the en suite to quiff his hair. "How do you want your hair cupcake?" You ask Lillie. "I'm not a cupcake!" She says laughing. "But your my little cupcake!" You said to her and she stood in front of you. "Now, how do you want your hair?" You asked."ummm....plaits!!! (Braid) " she tells you. You put her hair into a fish tail braid and niall brings luke back in, both of them now having a quiff.

At the reunion

"Mummy? Is Theo there?" Luke asked as niall stopped the car in front of his mums house. "Yeah he is" you replied and he smiles. Luke and Theo were very close even though Theo is 6 (in the story). You and niall got out the car and then helped the kids out the car. You walked through the house and into the backgarden were everyone was. "Hello!" You say greetings everyone and hugging them. You and niall both sat down across from Maura , Denise Nialls uncle, on the table that everyone was around.. "Luke, Lillie Theo is over there" you tell them pointing to where Theo is playing . Luke runs off to Theo to play with him and Lillis stays stood next to Niall's chair. "Are you not going playing with Them?" Maura asks Lillie. Lillie shakes her head. "I don't want to" she tells maura. "Why? What's up princess?" Niall asked her picking her up and placing her on his lap. She shrugs her shoulders and leans against Niall's chest. "Are you being shy?" You asked her and she just looks at you with her big blue eyes. "Everyone here is your family! You don't need to be shy" Denise told her nicely. "I want to stay with daddy" she says cuddling into niall making him smile.

Niall's auntie and uncle came up to us. "Hey Niall not seen you In a while" his uncle says. "I know its been ages!" Niall said. Niall didn't really see or talk to his auntie and uncle that much so you weren't sure if they knew about the kids or not . "so who's this little cutie?" His auntie says looking at lillie and smiling. "This is our daughter Lillie and her twin brother Luke is over there with Theo" he tells them smiling down at lillie who was playing with the zipper on his jacket. "Aww they are so cute how old are they?" She aks you. "They just turned 3 " you tell her. "They are both so cute! They look a lot like Niall!" She says and you agree. "Hello lillie I'm your great auntie!" She says kneeling down in front of Lillie. Lillie just looks at her since she doesn't know her. "She's the shy one, and Luke is the one that never shuts up" niall tells her chuckling.

1 hour later

The BBQ had finished and everyone has had something to eat so everyone was just sat down talking. Lillie was still in Niall's lap so you had to get food for him because she wouldn't leave him. "Lillie do you.....oh" you said looking towards her noticing she was asleep. She was sat on Niall's lap asleep with her head leaning on his shoulder. You tap Niall's arm. "Hmm?" He asked looking at you. "She's fell asleep on you" you tell him and he smiles down at Lillie. Luke comes over to you and sits on your lap."you tired baby?" You ask him. "Yeah.." He says sighing dramatically. Maura takes nialls phone off the table and points the camera towards you, niall and the kids which were sat on both of your laps. Lillie was still asleep but Luke smiled at the camera and you and niall did too. Maura put the phone down and niall picked it up opening twitter

Niall_official: Family reunion today with @y/t/n ,Luke and Lillie. Love you all!


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