#183 Request// He punishes your children

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Your POV

I was in the living room with our children, Kaya and Dylan. Niall was in the office playing guitar and working on some music.

The children have been fighting constantly all day and it is stressing me out.
I am also currently 5 months pregnant.

"Tomorrow were going to the fair!" Dylan said to kaya
"It's always about you" Kaya scoffed.
"No it's not!" Dylan argues.
"Both of you stop! I can't be bothered with your fighting" I told them but they ignored me.

Soon enough, jays and Dylan were fighting and hitting each other.
"Stop hitting each other!" I yelled stepping between the kids to try and separate them.
Both of them ignored me and continued hitting each other.
However, one of their fists collided with my stomach. It wasn't a powerful hit but it did hurt.
Niall entered the room and saw one of them hit my stomach.

I went back a little and cliched my stomach.
Both of the children immediately separated and looked at Niall with wide eyes.

"Come here" Niall said sternly.
The children stayed in their position staring at him.
"Get here now!" Niall said angrily.

The children slowly walked to him and stood in front of him.
"Both of you better stop fighting before this baby is born and you better say sorry to your mum for hitting her!" Niall told them.
"Sorry mum" they mumbled.

"Turn around" Niall instructed .
He bent down and spanked both of them once.
"Now go to your rooms and think about what you've done!" He said sternly and they nodded running out of the room.

"You okay Rikki?" Niall asked me and put his hands on my arms.
"Yeah, just caused a little shooting pain, it wasn't a very hard hit anyway" I said.
"I don't care, princess, they need to stop fighting with each other and get along . You might think it's okay, but it isn't , that could've really harmed you or the baby , it doesn't matter if it's a powerful hit or not it shouldn't have happened in the first place" he said and engulfed me in his arms.

"Them constantly fighting is causing so much stress and I'm just worried about the baby. Me being stressed isn't good for it. Especially when you're at the studio, they don't listen to me. I try to be stern and punish them but they don't listen because they know I can't chase them around the house or anything. They listen to you" I admitted.
"How about tomorrow, I can take the day off and because the kids aren't at school, I'll have them for the day and you can have a nice relaxing day? I'll make you breakfast in bed and run you a bubble bath for when you wake up. How does that sound?" Niall said.
I smiled.
"You're amazing Ni" I whispered.
"I love you" he said.
"I love you too" I replied.
"And I also love the two kids upstairs despite them always getting on my nerves and fighting" he chuckled.
"And I love you, my little baby" he said bending down and kissing my stomach.

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