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Ricky's POV

"I love you Ricky" was the last thing I heard come from Delilah's mouth before the blood around us became visible and I knew it was too late. Help would be of no use, but I still called for it anyways. "I love you too Lyla" was all I could get out of my mouth before she was actually gone.

When I woke up I noticed that it was 2:00 am and I was sweating. I was having another terrible dream of Delilah. I don't know how much longer I could bottle my feelings for her, she was my best friend, but I wanted her to be mine. But she couldn't possibly feel the same way. We're only friends right?

After a while of thinking, I just decided to go back to sleep until I had to wake up and drive to Delilah's so we could go to hell. And when I mean hell, I meant that school was hell. Literally.

*Beep. Beep. Beep.* This was my sign that was telling me to get up and get ready for school.

I'm glad that this is Lyla and I's senior year of school, because we just wanted to get the fuck out of this place.

Anyways, Lyla and I have been friends since the fourth grade when she moved here from Ohio. We were really close. We talked about our plans for the future, which involved us moving in with each other after we graduated high school.

When I pulled into Delilah's driveway and noticed that the door was slightly opened and Lyla wasn't waiting outside for me like she usually does. It was really worrying me.

Delilah's POV

"Go to Hell for Heaven's Sake!" Blasted from my alarm clock. I personally loved Bring Me The Horizon and the lyrics were appropriate as today was Monday and I had school.

I jumped out of bed and got dressed in a band tee and ripped black skinny jeans with a pair of black and white vans.

I then decided that I wanted to do my makeup simple today, so it was black eyeliner with black eyeshadow and then I put in my lip rings. Ricky and I had the same lip rings, because obviously we're too young for matching tattoos, so we got matching lip rings.

When I was done getting dressed I walked downstairs to find that it was quiet. My parents were probably wasted again. Wonderful.

I grabbed a bottle of juice and a piece of toast and sat in my usual place waiting for Ricky to pick me up. Lucky for him, he had a car and sadly I didn't.

"Where is she!" I suddenly heard my father say. "Shit" I muttered to myself, this is not good at all. My drunk ass parents are up. The front door was ripped opened and I made direct eye contact with my 'mother'.

I jumped up and ran around the house and hid behind the shed. They were to drunk to find me here. I had then texted Ricky and told him to meet me in the backyard before we leave, because I wasn't in my usual waiting spot, and I knew he would worry.

"Hey" Ricky said behind me. "Hi, Ricky" I said quietly. "Uh, Lyla.. why are you behind your shed, and why are you talking quietly?" Ricky said with confusion laced in his voice.

"Let's go, we've gotta get to school, and we've gotta run to your car as quickly and as quietly as we can." I said still with a quiet tone. "Why?" Ricky asked still confused. "It's a long story Ricky, can we just go, I'll tell you on the way to school" I said a little louder this time. "Okay, lets go."

When we got to the car, I was quiet until Ricky broke the ice first. "Delilah, why are you quiet, what happened?"

"Listen Ricky, my mom and dad were drunk again, and they tried to hit me. Its nothing" I said quietly. "I'm sorry Lyla, I'm sorry that this happened to you, and I'm sorry that after all of this time I never helped you" He said with a sad look on his face.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, and you have helped me, just by being my best friend. You've helped me so much and I bet you didn't even know that." I looked into his blue-grey eyes that I loved so much, and I gave him a sad smile. I wanted to just jump up and kiss him so bad, but I knew he didn't feel the same way, and I didn't want to destroy our friendship.

"Lyla?" he asked after a long moment of silence. "Yeah."

"Will you um.. maybe.. uh... wanna go to prom with me?" He asked nervously. "Only if you want to, because your my best friend and all."

"I'd love to" I replied. I was beyond ecstatic that he asked me. I mean, I did have a crush on him. But the 'best friend and all thing' stung a little

When we got to school the shit already started. I saw all of the jocks huddle around Ricky. I was honestly scared for him and I knew that it was going to get ugly.

Those stupid jocks pick on Ricky almost every day, and they're so much bigger than him, which makes the situation worse. He's practically defenseless.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by  Jenna yelling at him. "Where's your emo girlfriend at fag? Where is she so I can beat the shit out of her?" She said laughing and grinning evilly. "She's not my girlfriend, and I'm not telling you where she is" Ricky shouted back at her. I knew he was sticking up for me, and I didn't want that because it earned him a couple punches to the stomach.

My heart sank at the words Ricky said. That I wasn't his girlfriend. I wasn't but I wanted so desperately to be. But I still wanted to help him and beat the shit out of all of these people. So I did.

"I'm over here bitch!" I yelled over the laughter. They all turned and looked at me, including Ricky. "What did you call me slut?" Jenna yelled back. "First of all, your the slut, and two, I called you a bitch. Have a problem?" I stated clearly. "Fuck you, who do you think you are?" Jenna asked obviously pissed off. "I'm sorry, I don't want to get herpes by fucking you, and I have a name, it's Delilah" I said confidently. Ricky gave me the 'what are you doing' glare but I just looked back at Jenna and tackled her to the ground after she started swinging her fists in my face.

So I swung back.

I'm pretty sure Jenna has a broken nose now. Not like she's complaining, it's her excuse for that nose job she's been wanting.

All of the jocks looked at me and then walked away but not before helping Jenna up.

Ricky stood in the middle of the hallway shocked. "Earth to Ricky, we have to get to class now" I waved my hand over his face. "Sorry, but what the fuck was that? I didn't know you could do that Lyla" He said still surprised. "I've just about had enough of all of this."

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