My Brother?

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Delilah's POV

"So your meaning to tell me your my brother?" I asked. The man who was still masked and holding a knife in his left hand most likely for authority purposes. "Yes, and your parents sent..."

"Of course they did, but if your my brother then that makes them your parents too." I stated as I cut him off.

"Shut up and let me speak!" he spat. "Keep going." I exclaimed more then annoyed then scared. God this guy was the worst kidnapper ever.

First, he kept me in a room which must I say had no door on it, and only my arms were tied up. Dude, are you fucking stupid? Okay yes, yes he is. That shouldn't even have been a question.

"Your not really my sister you know that right?" He said after he calmed down some. "What?" I asked confused.

"Well you are, but only technically. You were adopted by my parents at a young age, and I was sent to live with our aunt. It was all part of this plan." he laughed. That's when I noticed it. The laugh I mean.

"You sound really familiar, do I know you?" I asked curiously. "Maybe, maybe not." I'm pretty sure at this point I know who it was.

"I know who you are." I grinned.

"Oh really? Then I guess I'm going to have to kill you." He raised the knife and began walking towards me.

I backed into a corner and stood there. He wasn't that intimidating, I mean he was a really bad kidnapper/attempted murderer.

When he approached me, I quickly and swiftly kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He dropped the knife as he fell to the ground and that's when I took the opportunity to rip his mask off.

"You know Vinny, you would've made a nice brother if you weren't a part of this fucked up family."

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