Don't Do This Ever Again

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Delilah's POV

When I woke up there was a note attached to my pillow. It was from Ricky.


Went to sound check, go explore the place. Be careful! Love you!

I jumped out of bed and put on a Motionless In White shirt that said 'burn baby burn' on it. Chris got me this when I found out that I was going on tour with them. And a pair of black skinny jeans and black vans. I put on my usual make up.

When I finished getting dressed I hopped off the bus and started to explore the place. About ten minutes into my little adventure I heard some girl yell something from behind me. "Look! Its Ricky Horror's girlfriend!"

Suddenly I turned around and a group of girls were walking towards me. Shit.

When they approached me the talking began. "Aren't you Ricky's girlfriend?" A snobby blonde asked me. "Yes, I am" I replied. The girl snickered and turned to her friends who all started to laugh.

"Why would he want to date a fat, ugly, pathetic whore like you?" The girls started to laugh again. This brought back terrible memories of high school when all of the populars used to call me a whore and fat and worthless.

I didn't know what to do, so I ran.

Thankfully, when I got to the bus no one was on the bus so I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I just sat there and cried.

In five minutes time I was starting to feel somewhat dizzy from all of the hardcore sobbing, so I laid in the corner of the bathroom. I realized that I was struggling to breathe and my head was pounding. I think I'm having an anxiety attack.

I don't know what came over me. I knew those girls were just trying to get to me, but I couldn't stop crying and I couldn't breathe and it became too much.

Usually these things don't get to me this easily but it did.

It triggered old memories and I snapped.

By this point my head had been spinning and my vision blurry from the lack of oxygen.

As I was waiting for the darkness to completely consume me, I heard a banging on the door. Shit. I didn't think of the guys. What would they think of me after this, especially Ricky. Would he not want me anymore?

After I think was the door being busted open, I heard Ricky's voice. "Lyla, can you hear me! Lyla!" I opened my eyes for a couple seconds to only stare into his blue eyes before my body completely shut down. I just passed out.

Ricky's POV

After sound check was over, I saw the crowd beginning to form. It was almost show time. I scanned the crowd for Delilah, but I didn't see her. Maybe she didn't come see us today.

After the show was over, I looked over the crowd one last time to see if she was there and she wasn't. Maybe I was just worrying too much.

As we were all walking to the bus, Chris was talking to Abigail and the rest of us were just walking in a comfortable silence.

When I got back to the bus I didn't see Lyla anywhere. So I just decided to text her.

After I sent the message I heard Ryan whine about using the bathroom. "Delilah, I really have to go. I know your in there, open up." I ran to the bathroom door knowing that she might be in there doing something besides using the bathroom. I had a terrible feeling in my stomach

"Is the door locked?" I asked Ryan. "Yeah, and she's not answering me. I've been standing here for like five minutes."

I knocked on the door and got no response, so I busted the door right open.

I saw Delilah lying in the corner of the bathroom passed out. "Lyla, can you hear me! Lyla!" I yelled. Her eyes fluttered open for a couple seconds before her body became limp in my arms. "Call an ambulance!" I shouted out. "I Already did" Ryan replied. I just nodded and waited for the ambulance to arrive and hoped that Delilah was still alive.

When the ambulance got here, I jumped into the ambulance with her.

Chris and the rest of the guys were going to stay on the bus for now.

After arriving at the hospital I got the best news that Lyla was going to be okay. They just said that she may have had a bad anxiety attack. So now we were just waiting for her to wake up.

As I was siting in those crappy plastic chairs in the room, I fell asleep after an hour of watching out for Lyla to wake up.

Delilah's POV

I woke up in a bright white room to the annoying beeping of the machines that were attached to me. As I was looked around the room taking in my surroundings I noticed that Ricky was sitting in a chair sleeping. "Ricky" I croaked out. No answer. "Ricky" I said a little louder. He didn't answer again. "Ricky" I said as loud as I could. No answer again.

Unfortunately for me I started to cough uncontrollably after trying to talk with a dry throat. I looked over and his eyes fluttered open. Wow. He wakes up to me coughing instead of my voice.

How nice.

As soon as he noticed that I was awake he rushed over to my side and I noticed that his cheeks were tear stained.

"Why did you cry?" I asked him. He just gave me a sad look and began speaking.

"Never do that again Lyla, I thought I lost you. I can't lose you, your my everything." I began to cry. I didn't know I meant that much to him.

"Don't cry, it doesn't suit your beautiful face" he said softly. "I love you, you know that" I replied. "I love you too, and promise me you'll call me or text me next time this happens. I was so worried you had went and done something worse."

"I promise you" I said. "Now when can we go, I don't wanna be here anymore."

"Soon baby, soon" he replied. I hope I go home soon.

Two days later

Today I got to go home and I was so excited. Ricky had to leave though because he had a show to play, but he was going to pick me up after the show. I decided it was best to pass the time with a nice nap.

What felt like a solid five minutes of sleeping was actually four hours. My nap was ended when a nurse came in my room saying that a "cute boy with nice eyes" came to pick me up.

That was definitely Ricky. He had the most amazing eyes I've ever seen.

Anyways, I jumped out of bed and changed into my clothes before heading out of the room. After exiting the room, I walked over to the front desk and saw Ricky just standing there.

"Hey" I said walking over to him. "Ready to go?" He asked. "I sure am, been waiting for this moment for a good three days." I chuckled.

"Me too, I just wanted you home."

So that's what we did, we went home. Well, actually, the bus because they were still on tour, but we went home and watched a scary movie before falling asleep on the couch in each others arms.

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