Are Things Better Left Unsaid?

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Ricky's POV

"Well, I've had a long day so I'm going to bed." Lyla said. "Alright goodnight babe." I replied. She got off the couch and headed for our room.

When she was out of sight TJ started talking. "Damn Rick! I didn't think you'd still be together after all of this time." He smiled. "Yeah we're married now." It was now my turn to smile.

"What!" I nodded and blushed. "Who knew Ricky Olson was a man for marriage." he laughed now. "Well love changes you TJ." I replied. He nodded and smiled. "So... are you two alone or?" I was slightly confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Like do you live here alone or are there others of your species." I laughed.

"Really TJ? Species?" I knew what he meant though. "Yes TJ, we have kids." I said still laughing. "Wait, kids as in like multiple?" I nodded my head. "Awe! Rick why didn't you mention them before!" he squealed. I just shrugged. "I guess it never came up."

"What are their names?" TJ asked. "Salem and Cayden." I smiled. "Awe that's adorable, how old are they?" He squealed. Didn't know TJ was a sucker for kids. "Salem is 16 and Cayden is 12." I stated. TJ just nodded.

"Want me to show you the guest room?" I asked after some silence. TJ nodded once more. I turned off the tv and we both got up.

"Here make yourself comfortable." I said as I showed him the room. Suddenly I had a thought. "TJ, you said there was a second person involved?" I questioned. "Yeah, but I can't really say much about them. All I know is that it's Jasmine's boyfriend and I think they said something about him being Delilah's brother. Maybe I heard wrong." I nodded. This was definitely strange because Lyla doesn't have a brother. I would know if she did we hung out almost everyday when we were younger.

"Thanks for filling us in on this TJ I owe you for that." I said. "No problem Rick." He replied.

I left TJ alone and walked down the hallway and into Delilah and I's room.

"Hey, it's about time you gave me some company." Lyla said as I walked in the room. "I didn't know you were still up." I replied. "Couldn't sleep." I climbed into bed next to Lyla and laid there in silence.

"Do you have a brother?" I blurted out of curiosity. "No, why?" she asked. "Nothing, just something TJ said that made me wonder." I replied. Luckily Lyla didn't say anything in response.

"Goodnight Ricky." Delilah said after some silence. "Goodnight Lyla." I replied.

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