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Ricky's POV

"Lyla and Devin were kidnapped." I blurted to Abby and Chris. Abby started to cry and I was on the verge. I mean, I just bought her an engagement ring and now she might not even return home to accept it.

Chris ended up calling our tour manager Josh, and told him to cancel the tour until we find Lyla and Devin.

When we approached the police station, I walked in while Abby and Chris claimed her car. "Hi, I'm here to get Delilah Grey's belongings that were left behind." I asked the woman behind the desk.

"Here you go." She said handing me a bag with clothes that she bought today, and her phone. "Thanks" I said to the lady. "No problem, and I hope they find her. It's not often that they do" She said sadly. I gave her a sad smile before turning and walking out the front door letting a tear escape my eye. I really hope they find her.

I decided that it was best if I drove Lyla's car home, and Abby agreed. It gave me a good excuse to be alone.

When I got back on the bus, Ryan, Ange, and Balz were all sitting in the living room waiting for me. "What happened Rick? Chris and Abby won't tell us, they told us to ask you." Balz asked. "Lyla and Devin were kidnapped."

"Oh my god" Ryan muttered. "And the tour is cancelled until we find them." I said and walked to Lyla and I's bunk.

As I was lying in my bunk I couldn't stop thinking about Lyla and Devin. Are they going to make it? Are they going to die? When are the police going to find them?

I soon fell asleep wondering what if..

Two Days Later~

It's been two days and I've done nothing but sit in my bunk and worry about my girlfriend and band mate.

I'm starting to lose hope, but I'm not giving up on her.

Delilah's POV

When I woke up once again I noticed that the bitch was at least considerate enough to leave the light on, and that Devin was still passed out. "Devin" I shouted. "Devin! Wake up!"

Suddenly I saw his eyes open and he looked at me. "How long were we out?" He asked "I have no idea"

Jenna walked into the room. "How long was I out?" I asked with no emotion. "A pleasant two days" She replied. "But now the torture is going to happen. How exciting!" She squealed. "Very!" I said back.

"Oh shut up bitch." Jenna snapped. "You can't make me shut up, your not my mother." I replied "I'm glad that I'm not your mother. That poor lady had the unfortunate pleasure of dealing with you."

She walked upstairs again, but instead of coming back down with more needles, Jenna came down with the two guys that kidnapped us. "See! I knew you were the slut. Those poor guys." I stated "You," She said pointing to the guy on the right, "shut her up, and you" she said pointing to the guy on the left, "just do what you want with him."

The man approached me the same way he did when they first kidnapped us, but instead of putting a rag over my mouth, he kicked me in the stomach. "It's not nice to hit a girl" I said and spit in his face. That wasn't exactly the best idea, because he punched me in the face several times and then kicked me in the head, so hard in fact, I passed out cold.

Devin's POV

I was watching as one of the guys had just kicked Lyla in the head. She dropped to the floor and he walked up the stairs. The second guy just laughed as he realized that I was looking at Delilah, and suddenly kicked me in the ribs. He kicked me again. And again. And again. But I wasn't ready to pass out.

Suddenly he stopped kicking, but now he was punching me in the face. I tasted blood in my mouth.

I kept taking the torture until it was absolutely unbearable. I pretended to pass out and the guy stopped.

My body aches all over and I'm pretty sure some of my ribs are bruised.

After a while of feeling all the pain, I decided that it was safe to sleep.

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