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Delilah's POV

I was sitting in the chair with my head in my hands still waiting for the doctor to come out and get me. I think I've been here almost four hours, and my impatience was getting the best of me, I needed to know if Ricky was alright.

Luckily, the four hour wait was long enough, because about five minutes later the doctor came out. "So we meet again Mrs. Olson." Really? At this point I wasn't even his girlfriend. "I guess so." I replied.

"Well, to break the news to you, this is a very serious matter. Because of his concussion only two short months ago along with the memory loss, it looks as though a little head trauma can have a severe effect." I nodded my head and the doctor began to speak again.

"About an hour ago he fell into a coma, and we've been monitoring him since. If you'd like to see him now, your more than welcome to." I just nodded once more and followed him to Ricky's room.

When I walked into the room, it was a terrible sight. Ricky's pale figure was laying in the bed as still as a corpse. His eyelids fluttered a few times but that's all.

I pulled a chair up to the side of the bed and held his hands. "I need you Rick, you can't leave me now. I want to grow old with you, and raise our child together. I love you so much, just hold on for me. Please, don't leave." I cried.

I must have fell asleep, because next thing I know, I'm being shaken. "Lyla, wake up!" I heard an all too familiar voice call out. I opened my eyes and saw Abby and Chris standing in the room. "I'm so sorry Lyla." Abby sympathized.

"Stop. Although I appreciate your concern, I don't want your pity." I said blankly. Abby looked down and Chris just looked right passed me and at Ricky's still, frail, frame.

Six Months Later~

I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time in around a two months. I looked dead myself. Only I was a living, breathing, walking corpse. I had dark bags under my eyes and I probably looked like utter shit. I haven't showered in about three weeks and I was now eight months pregnant.

I've only left the hospital twice since Ricky's gone into the coma, and I only leave his room to go get food.

I have hope that he's going to wake up soon.

"Lyla you alright?" I heard Ryan Ashley call from behind me. "Yeah, I'm alright." I replied before breaking my gaze from the mirror and turning around so I could head down to the cafeteria for food.

As I was walking out of the room, I was stopped. "Lyla, you need to go home and shower, and get some proper food." Chris stated. "And I'm having Ryan Ashley and Balz take you home."

"I'm not leaving Chris." I replied. "Yes, you are. I'm not giving you a choice, because honestly you smell like shit and I'm pretty sure some fresh air would be good for you." I hesitantly walked back into the room and grabbed a sweater before heading out of the room.

When I stepped outside into the cold October weather, I felt a little like new again. I haven't been outside since late February, and honestly I did need the fresh air.

I soon found Ryan Ashley and Balz waiting not too far away, leaning against the building, talking. "Hey, I'm ready to go." I spoke softly. Ryan Ashley nodded as did Balz.

I followed then to the car and climbed in.

The car pulled into the driveway of Ricky and I's house, and I found myself quickly making my way to my house for my much needed shower.

I unlocked the front door of my house, and I realized that the house looked freshly clean. "Yeah, the girls have been house keeping for you." Balz stated reading my mind. I looked over at Ryan Ashley and gave her a hug. "Thanks, but you didn't have to do that." I said. "Sure we did, it's less stress on you." she replied. I gave her a soft smile and made my way up the stairs.

When I got upstairs, I opened the dresser and pulled out a random shirt that I noticed was Ricky's. It smelled like him, and gave me hope that he was still with us. I then grabbed a pair of leggings, since my jeans no longer fit me.

I walked into the bathroom, grabbed a towel, and turned on the shower. I let the water run till it was as hot as I liked it, and got in.

I found myself just standing in the shower for a long time. The hot water that poured on to my body, soothed me, and relaxed my muscles.

After a while, I grabbed my towel and got out wishing I didn't.

I put on my under garments, and then my shirt. I was working on my pants when I heard a loud knock on the door.

"Lyla, you need to hurry up!" Ryan Ashley yelled from the other side of the door. "Why?" I yelled back.

"Something's happening to Ricky!" she replied sounding panicked. I quickly pulled my pants up and ran as quickly as my legs would carry my eight month pregnant self. "Lets go!" I yelled out of breath, as I headed towards the car. I saw Ryan Ashley and Balz speed walking/jogging towards the car as well. I once again hopped in the back seat and got worked up at all of the thoughts running through my mind.

Upon arrival to the hospital, I got out of the car and ran as fast as I could to Ricky's room. I saw Chris standing outside waiting for us to get here. "What's going on!" I panted out of breath once again.

"His heart rate is decreasing, and they are trying as hard as they can to bring it back up, but he's dying Lyla. I don't know how to break it to you any other way than this. Just brace yourself." he whispered. A giant lump was forming in my throat and I felt the hot tears pour down my face. He can't leave yet. He just can't.


He flatlined.

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