When Is The Wedding?

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Delilah's POV

Salem was now three months old and I wanted her to stop growing so fast. She was getting so big.

"Hey Lyla?" I heard Ricky yell from downstairs. "What Rick?" I asked. "Allie and Ryan are here!"

I walked downstairs and sure enough, Allie and Ryan were sitting in our living room holding Salem.

"Really Rick? Your going to trust these two with our child for the night?" I wondered. "Why not? And they were the only two available. I tried to get Ange and Kelly to watch her but they're both working. So were Ryan Ashley and Balz. And Chris and Abby are busy, if you know what I mean." Ricky said with a chuckle. I let out a small chuckle too and we headed out.

Oh yeah! We are going out on a date!

"Bye Allie and Ryan!" I yelled from the door.

"Get married while your out!" She yelled back.

I just walked out the door and got in the car without another word.

Really, everyone's been bugging Ricky and I to get married ever since Salem was born. Calm down everyone! We will get married when we want to! Having a child isn't going to make us get married any sooner.

"Hey Lyla?" Ricky asked.

"Yeah babe?"

"When are we going to actually get married?"

Not him too...

"I don't know Rick, when would you like to get married?"

"How about on Halloween?" I love Halloween and I know you do too!

Alright, so about a week after Salem's first birthday. She was born on the 19th.

"Works for me." I exclaimed.

I looked over at him and he smiled.

"Do you want anymore kids Lyla?" Ricky blurted.

I do and I don't....

"I guess so, why do you ask?" I questioned cautiously.

"Well don't you think that Salem would want a sibling. Besides, I want to actually witness what it's like to be here every step of the way and help you out." He said sadly.

"Well, if you had to push a child through your...well you know, you'd understand that I want to wait."

"I never said it had to be now, but it's good that you want another." He said with a smile.

We ended up our destination and we ate dinner, went to the movies, and then went home.

Simple, but just the way I like it.

When we got home, I saw Ryan and Allie passed out on the couch.

I giggled a bit.

"What?" Ricky asked.

"I didn't think watching Salem was such a hard job."

"Speaking of Salem, I'm going to make sure she's sleeping." I nodded my head and then woke up Allie and Ryan.

"Were back!" I yelled causing them both to stir.

Allie sat up on the couch and rubbed her eyes.

"If you want you can stay the night." I exclaimed then walked up the stairs to see my little girl.

"Hey baby." I heard Ricky coo. "How's daddy's little girl doing?"

"She's definitely a daddy's girl!" I laughed.

I saw Ricky's face turn red. "Don't be embarrassed babe, that was adorable. Now put the child down so we can go to bed." I laughed once more.

Ricky started to follow me with Salem still in his arms. "She's coming with me!" He whispered and kissed her head.

We got in bed and I grabbed Salem and put her in between us.

I turned the light off and gave Ricky a quick kiss before falling asleep happily.

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