Who Are You?

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Ricky's POV

I tried to wake up to a woman's voice, but I couldn't open my eyes. I squeezes my hand instead and it seemed to work. I heard the voice again. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I knew someone was talking to me.

Suddenly I had the urge to open my eyes. So I did, and I was successful this time.

"Nice to see you Rick." I heard a mans voice call out. My head snapped in his direction, and I saw that there was a tall, lanky man with tattoos all over. He had black hair and lip piercings as well.

After looking at the man, I directed my gaze towards a woman who was holding my hand. I immediately pulled my hand away from hers, and gave her a 'who are you' look.

"Ricky?" She asked confused. Who's that, and who are they?

"Who's Ricky, and who are you?" I replied.

"You don't remember me?" The girl asked. "No, I'm sorry." I replied. "It's me, Delilah, and that's Chris."  The man who's name was Chris waved and gave me a half smile. I just waved back.

Wait! I know him.

"Hey! Your Chris Motionless! From Motionless In White!" I exclaimed. I heard him chuckle and then he nodded slightly. "And your Ricky Horror, also from Motionless In White." He replied. "I'm in Motionless?"


How am I not remembering any of this?

"I'm sorry, I know of him, but I don't remember anything about you. Do you mind refreshing me?" I asked the hot girl in the chair next to me. "Well, my name is Delilah and I've been your best friend since the fourth grade. We've also been dating for almost two years now."

"I'm so sorry Delil...."

"Call me Lyla" she interrupted. "I'm sorry Lyla." I apologized. She just sat there with her head in her hands.

Soon enough the doctor came in the room.

"Good to see your awake Mr. Olson." He greeted. I just sat there and waited for him to tell me some news. "Well it seems like your okay to go home tonight, but take it easy since you've had a mild concussion." "I think it's more than mild." I heard Lyla mutter. "Why is that dear?" The doctor asked. "He lost his memory." Chris said.

"This is a very common thing, and it's only temporary. He should gain his memory back at some time, but I can't tell you exactly when. All you can do for now is refresh his mind with some familiar scenery or objects that may trigger him to remember." He replied. "Thank you." Lyla replied. "Your very welcome dear, and if you'd like he can go home now." I looked over at Lyla and  Chris and just nodded my head signifying them that I wanted to leave. 

As we made it to the waiting room to meet up with whoever was waiting, I heard Lyla sniffling as she trailed behind Chris and I. We must have been really close if I mean this much to her.

"Ricky!" A girl squealed as she ran up to me and gave me a hug. I gave her an awkward hug back because I didn't want to leave her hanging. "Who are you? If you don't mind me asking."

"It's me Abby, silly." She replied sweetly. "Babe, he doesn't remember anything." I heard Chris whisper to her. I saw her eyes gaze to Lyla who was behind me with a look of sympathy. "You really don't remember anything do you?" A man asked. I shook my head no. "If you really don't remember me, I'm Ryan by the way."

"Hey." I replied. "And your Angelo from Motionless In White!" I stated. He nodded and smiled. "How did you know that?" Angelo asked. "I love Motionless In White, your band is one of my favorites." I replied proudly.

If Angelo and Chris were here, where were the others? "How come you guys are here and TJ, Balz, and the others aren't?" 

"That's why!" Ryan exclaimed. "What?"

"That's why you don't remember me. You only remember the old Motionless." Old Motionless?

"Old Motionless?" I asked confused. "Yeah, TJ was kicked out of the band and the others quit the band. Chris and Angelo are the only original members left. Oh, and Balz is still in the band. You don't remember me because you and I joined the band around the same time." Ryan answered. "Oh." Was all I could say.

"Well let's get going, I'm tired." Allie whined. I just nodded once again and followed everyone outside to the car.

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