Let's Act Like Strippers

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Delilah's POV

We were heading for the first venue currently, and I was super bored. "Let's do something Ricky, I'm bored."

"Not on the bus!" Chris yelled. "That's not what I meant, and besides it's not like you and Abby aren't going to do it." I replied. Chris just stayed silent. It's because I was right. "I'm right wasn't I?" I asked. "Maybe." Everyone chuckled a little.

I walked over to Ricky who was sitting on the couch and sat on his lap. "So, what do you want to do today." I asked. "Since we are on a moving bus, there's not really anything to do, so why don't we just watch a movie."

"No, I'm not in a mood to watch a movie." It was a rare occasion. I'm always in a mood for movies. "Then what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, that's why I asked you." I said "Why don't we just ask everyone else." Ricky replied. "Hey, what do you guys want to do, it's boring just sitting here and doing nothing."

"Let's play a game!" Abby yelled. "Like what?" I asked. "How about truth or dare? Just for a little while and then we can play another game."

"Sure, why not."

I got up off of Ricky's lap and pulled him off of the couch and we all sat in a circle on the floor.

"Rick, you start." Chris said. "Alright, Abby, truth or dare." "I'm going to go for dare"

Ricky whispered something in her ear and then she walked up to me and pulled me up. "What are we doing?" I asked Abby. "We have to pretend to be the dancers that go up on stage and dance with the guys." She whispered.

"Oh. Why did you pick me to help you and not Allie?" I whispered back. "Because Ricky said that he wanted to see you do it." I looked over at Ricky and gave him a death glare. He just smiled. Alright, he wants a show, so I'm going to give him a show.

"Alright, this is the plan. We are going to put on a damn good show, that's going to leave all of the guys, especially Chris and Ricky hot and bothered. We are going to go change into something slutty, and come back and dance like they do on the stage, which also happens to be slutty."

"I'm down with this." Abby said with an evil grin.

We walked into the back of the bus and changed into the shortest and tightest dresses we could find and walked back to the front where everyone was waiting for us.

When we got to the living area of the bus where everyone was, I saw that Chris and Ricky both had their mouths open and everyone else whistled at us. Abby and I exchanged a glance before walking towards our men.

As I approached Ricky I grabbed his shirt with my hand and tugged on it a bit before I pulled myself closer to him and closed the gap between our lips. I started to kiss him harder, when I remembered that I couldn't let him enjoy this too much. I pulled away and started to dance on and around him like a stripper.

Suddenly, the bus stopped and I heard their tour manager yell that we were at the first venue already. "Come on, I was having fun." Abby whined. "So was I babe, so was I." Chris said.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I asked Ricky seductively. "So much." He replied.

I grabbed Ricky's hand and brought him to the back of the bus. When we got there, I closed the door and pushed him on to the bed. "We don't have time for this right now." Ricky said. "I don't want to do that babe, just a little something before you have to go to sound check.

When we finished making out I claimed as good luck, we walked to sound check hand in hand.

"Finally!" Chris exclaimed. "We're early." Ricky replied. "Oh, well set up and we'll start soon."

I watched as Ricky set up his guitar equipment before they started. As they started, I heard the familiar tune of Abigail.

Chris started to sing.

Burn baby burn

She's a witch, she's a witch and I'm a heretic

So, learn baby learn

She's a witch, she's a witch and I'm a heretic so, learn

Oh Abigail how could you do this to us?

You were a product of lust (Product of lust)

I heard that voice again. The one I heard the first time I listened to Motionless play this song, but I never caught who sang it. It definitely wasn't Chris's voice though. I continued to watch closely.

And now this rope on my neck stopped all the blood to my head

So, now Salem please save me (Salem please save me)

When I watched the stage searching for the person who screamed "Salem please save me" I saw them. I saw Ricky scream it. I knew it was him somehow, I mean Salem was my nickname.

As Ricky screamed that part, he looked at me and smiled. I returned the smile and kept watching them play.

The next song that they played was one of Ricky's favorites to play live. If It's Dead, We'll Kill It. I personally liked watching him play it. What am I saying, I liked watching him play every song. He looked so hot doing it.

The next song was Underdog, which was one of my personal favorites, then Fatal, Sick From The Melt, Infamous, and lastly was We Only Come Out At Night.

As they finished playing, I saw Ricky approach me looking all sweaty. I thought he was going to hug me, but he didn't. Ricky leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Salem, please save me." I just looked at him before giving him a hug. "You smell now" he laughed. "And you do too" I replied. "So, what do you want to do now?" I asked. "Well, Bring Me The Horizon is having a party if you want to go"

"Ricky!" I yelled "What" he yelled back mocking me. "You never told me that one of my favorite bands was on tour with you" I replied. "Well, do you want to go?"

"Hell yeah I want to go!" I yelled in excitement.

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