Will You Be My Girlfriend?

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Delilah's POV

When I woke up I heard two people yelling and one of them I recognized as Ricky's voice. The other was Jasmine.

"Pay me emo boy, I want my fucking money or something happens to your precious lover."

"Fine, but never come back again, ugh, your such a bitch." He spat. "At least I'm not a slut like that bitch you want."

"Oh but you are one, your face tells it all skank, you look like a fucking crayon factory exploded all over you! Here, just take your money and leave!" I couldn't help but giggle at that last part.

I heard Jasmine scoff at that and then a door slammed. I ran back upstairs and realized two things that just happened. One being that Ricky just paid her for something, and two being that they both made it clear that this was all over me.

What the hell??

Ricky's POV

When Jasmine left I went into the kitchen and made some coffee. This plan ended sooner than later, but I know it had some effect on Lyla yesterday. I was sitting down there for a while, because when I looked up at the clock it had been at least a half hour. I decided that I needed to tell Lyla. I can't refrain my feelings any longer, and if she leaves me, at least she knows the truth.

I went outside for a smoke before telling her.

When I came back inside I decided to make my move now, because Lyla was on the couch watching tv. I walked over to to the tv and turned it off. Delilah gave me a weird look, but I just walked over to her and pulled her on to my lap.

"Lyla, I have to tell you something, but promise you won't freak out or get mad."

"I promise, by any chance does this have to do with you and Jasmine, because I heard your conversation with her earlier."

"Yes and no Lyla, promise me you won't flip shit" I repeated. I needed her word. "I promise Ricky, spit it out."

"Okay, so the little argument with Jasmine was about how I paid her to be my girlfriend for two weeks to make you jealous, but that didn't last a day. I wanted to make you jealous so that you would realize that you still love me. I'm not stupid Lyla, I see it I'm your eyes that you want me as bad as I want you."

"Ri..." I cut her off. "Let me finish. I still love you Lyla like you wouldn't believe, I haven't stopped thinking about you for the last six years. I want you in th......" I was cut off by a kiss.

"Ricky, I love you to the ends of the earth and back, and I want you too, I was just afraid to confess my feelings, because I didn't think you liked me like that anymore up until the day of the concert. You told me you loved me, but I thought that it was too good to be true until last night."

"I guess there's only one question that stands in the way."

"And what would that be exactly?"

"Delilah Grey, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked confidently. "It would be an honor." I felt it was appropriate, so I leaned in and kissed her long and hard.

Delilah's POV

When we pulled away from the kiss I stared into his blue eyes that I loved so much. The butterflies in my stomach were still going crazy. I can't believe he's all mine, and that he paid someone to make me jealous. I giggled at the thought.

"What are you laughing at Lyla?" Ricky asked. "Just the fact that you paid some slut to make me jealous and it worked."

"I knew it would, I mean, you've wanted this" he said pointing at himself "for a long time now." I giggled and turned red because it was so true. "Well I'm sorry your so hot and all the ladies want you, I can't help but to not be jealous." I laughed and he turned a shade of pink.

"Are you blushing Mr. Olson because I called you hot?."

"Maybe" He muttered quietly. I couldn't help but to laugh again.

After a while of comfortable silence I asked Ricky what he wanted to do. "What do you want to do today, I'm bored."

"I'm sorry I'm boring, how about we watch movies like old times?." I can get used to this "I'd love that."

So that's what we did, cuddle and watch scary movies for a whole day. I love having no life.

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