Let Us Go

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Delilah's POV

"Vinny, just let us go. I won't call the cops on you I promise. Just our parents. They set you up and you don't deserve this." I pleaded. "No." he replied.

"Please!" I shouted. "No means no Delilah, I won't betray them."

"Why not! They're ignorant assholes! What's so good about them that makes you want to do this?"

"They're my parents! I do what they tell me to! I'm here to help them don't you understand?!" Vinny shouted.

"No I find this whole thing quite stupid though, so what if they're your parents? I wouldn't really give a fuck!" I backed. Vinny only shook his head.

"No Delilah, I'm not letting you go. I'm going to kill you and then your son, then the rest of your god damned family." I sighed in defeat. But if he thinks he's going to kill me then he's wrong.

"Please!" I begged once more. "No!" he shouted and then slapped me across the face. "Your an asshole!' I seethed.

Instead of replying, he just simply walked out. I still wasn't tied up, because he's stupid.... So I ran out of the basement and into the kitchen. I'm in need of a weapon. Specifically a knife.

Once I grabbed it successfully, I ran up another flight of stairs to come across some noise in one of the bedrooms. I pressed my ear to the door.

"Bless his soul! He's a follower of Satan! He's cursed!" My mother yelled.

That's all I needed to hear.

I barged in with the knife in my hand and ran up to my son facing my parents with the knife out in front of me.

"If you come closer, I'll kill you!" I screamed.

"You wouldn't dare!" My mother laughed evilly.

She thinks I wouldn't do it!

I threw the knife at her and it stuck right into her thigh.

Who knew I was so good at aiming?

I grabbed my son and picked him up running out of the room leaving my parents to tend to that wound.

And besides they were too old to chase after me anyways.

I ran down the hallway and back down the stairs and through the living room until I finally reached the door.

I grabbed the door handle and twisted it, the door flying open in front of me.

"Cayden, you listen to mommy okay?" He nodded. "When I put you down I want you to run across the street and wait there okay?" He nodded once more.

I put Cayden down and then ran into the kitchen ripping every draw open until I found matches.

"Stop!" Vinny yelled from behind me. "Vinny, just help me." I heard him sigh. "Fine, what are we doing." he asked.

"Just find some matches and give them to me!" I shouted more panicked.

"I'm sorry Lyla! I'm so sorry!" He apologized. "It's okay Vinny, just help me find some damn matches."

I ripped open another draw and quickly pulled all of the contents out of it. Luckily I found some matches.

"I found them. Now let's go!" I said as I started to run.

I looked back and noticed I was running alone.

"Vinny!" I shouted. "Vinny let's go!"

I ran back into the kitchen and found him just standing there.

"I can't go with you Lyla, I've fucked up too much already. Just go without me. Kill me too." I shook my head.

"You haven't done anything wrong. I forgive you, you've done nothing." I replied. "Now run! Move!" I grabbed Vinny by the arm and ran with him to the door.

I lit the match and threw it on to the sofa lighting it ablaze immediately. The house starting to fill with smoke.

"I'm sorry Lyla." Vinny whispered.

"It's okay, don't worry about it, for now just worry about getting us out of here safely." he nodded and then I lit another match setting the chair on fire too. Just to make sure they weren't getting out of this house.

I immediately turned and faced the other side of the road looking straight at my son.

Then I ran to him.

"Its all over baby! I'm gonna get us home and then we can see dad and Salem." I comforted.

"I miss daddy and Salem." he replied.

"Me too Cayden, me too." I whispered kissing his forehead.

"We need to get out of here." Vinny said from behind me.

" I know, let's go."

We got into his car and drove off, heading home. I missed my husband and my daughter way too much.

"Listen Delilah, as soon as I drop you off home, I'm turning myself in." He confessed.

"Vinny, you don't have to do that you know. You save me and my son. It's okay." I replied.

"It's too late, I already killed her and then I kidnapped you and tied up your daughter." wait what..

"You killed her? As in Jasmine?" I asked frightfully.

"Yeah, she's a bitch and deserved what she got." he laughed.

That was creepy....

Finally when we got to my house, I thanked Vinny for the ride and then Cayden and I made our way into our home where I was greeted by my crying husband and daughter.

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