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Delilah's POV

I felt myself being carried somewhere. Most likely to bed, considering that I was sleeping. I lightly fluttered my eyes open and I was greeted with those blue-grey eyes that I always loved. "Hey cutie" I muttered. He looked down at me and smiled. "What are you doing" I asked. "I'm taking us to bed." He replied. "Okay." I fell asleep before we even reached our bunk.

I opened my eyes to discover that it was morning, the sun was shining bright. I rolled over in my bed and looked at the clock. It was 10:18 on a Saturday morning. I jumped out of bed, got dressed and went downstairs. Luckily my parents weren't home, so I took opportunity to watch tv.

As I was watching tv for about an hour now, I heard someone yelling outside. It was a familiar voice, maybe one of my neighbors? They were yelling quite loud. I looked out the window and saw that it was Ricky. What the hell? A man was holding him by the neck.

Suddenly the man pushed him to the ground and started beating him roughly. I couldn't see the mans face though, he wasn't facing my direction.

The man walked away, but Ricky was still on the ground. I could see blood everywhere. Why haven't I gone and helped him yet?

A second man walked up to him, this one with a gun. I was terrified. He had pointed the gun at Ricky's head. I was looking at his face the whole time. It showed pure terror. He was unable to move and the man with the gun shot him, leaving his body laying deathly still in the middle of the street.

I ran outside as fast as my legs could carry me and dropped to Ricky's side. His body was now pale and lifeless. "Ricky! Don't leave me!" I yelled. "I need you!" I was crying so hard I couldn't see. I felt his pulse to see if he was still alive. I found nothing. He was gone.

I was woken up by someone shaking me. It was Ricky. "Hey, you okay? Your crying" he asked. "I'm alright" I answered "Just go back to sleep. It was nothing."

After Ricky fell back asleep, I was still awake, there was no way I was going to get any sleep.

I walked into the living room and watched tv until everyone woke up.

Ricky's POV

"Ricky.....don't leave me.....I need you" I heard Delilah mumble. I looked over and she was crying in her sleep. I decided that I should probably wake her.

I shook her, and shook her until she finally woke up. "Hey, you okay? Your crying." I asked her. "I'm alright, just go back to sleep" She responded. I just figured she'd want to talk about it when we woke up later on, so I did what she said.

Delilah's POV

After countless hours of watching tv alone, Devin was the first one up. "Hey Ghost" I said to him. "Hey Lyla" He mumbled. "I have a question for you" I asked. "Sure, what is it." I yawned.

"Well, I kind of wanted to make it up to Ricky for last night, so I was wondering if you'd go shopping with me for something special."

"I'm up for some shopping with you, when do you plan on going?" He asked smiling. "How about we go at 2?"

"Sounds good." I looked back at the tv. "Thanks Dev." I replied. "Anytime Lyla."

As soon as I was done asking Devin if he wanted to go shopping with me, I pulled out my phone and checked to see if I had any messages. Sure enough I had two.

Unknown number: better make sure your boyfriend safe

Unknown number: I'm coming for the both of you

Great, now Ricky is in trouble too?

Whoever this is, they're probably just playing a joke. I've been getting these messages for almost two weeks now and nothing has happened.


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