I Need Answers pt. 1

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Ricky's POV

I was at that point, where I wanted... No needed more information. I couldn't keep all of this bottling inside me 24/7. It was all I ever thought about.

Suddenly I turned my head towards TJ. "Hey TJ, up to go a Motionless reunion tonight?" I smirked. He looked a little uneasy. "You know very well that's not going to go over well, the tensions going to be rough on me." his eyes pleading. "The guys aren't one to hold grudges you know." He looked down.

"Fine, I'll go." I smiled widely. "Good, because we're going to explain everything to them." I said. "What?" I nodded. "I'm going to need their help TJ. I can't continue doing this on my own. Protecting my family I mean. I need more answers and I need them soon."

"I'll help you, for letting me stay here and all." Was he up to that? "Really? The reason your here is to stay away from your psychotic ex girlfriend. And now you possibly want to put yourself up for more danger then she's offering." I wasn't really sure why he'd help.

"I want to help you out Ricky, whether you want to still tell the guys or not. I can make this a little easier on you, because I'm still connected to Jasmine somehow." What? "Still connected?" TJ rolled his eyes. "Not still connected as in, with her, I meant as in, I'm her ex boyfriend, she may hate me but it's easier to talk to her without suspicions."

Oh. "Alright, but I'm still telling the guys because I need as much help as I can get." TJ nodded.

"We should probably go now and get it over with." I needed as much time to plan something out with the guys as I could. "Alright, lets go."

When we got to Chris's house, I just walked in like I usually do. We've been friends forever no need to knock now.

"Honey I'm home!" I yelled. "Shut it Rick!" Chris yelled back. "We need to talk." I blurted, what's the point of beating around the bush. "About?" He questioned.

"Are all of the guys here first?" Chris nodded and then looked to my left. "TJ Bell?" He chuckled. "I must be seeing things." Now it was TJ's turn to laugh. "In the flesh buddy."

"Alright, let's cut the reunion short for now, we really need to talk."

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