When Life Goes Downhill

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Delilah's POV

The doorbell rung meaning someone was at the door. "Babe?" I yelled. "What?" Ricky replied. "Did you invite anyone over?" I asked. He shook his head no. I opened the front door curiously, and there stood the mail man. He had a package? I never ordered anything.

"Good afternoon miss, are you Delilah Olson?" he asked. "Yes." I replied. "This package is for you." He said as he handed me the box. "Thank you. Have a nice day." I took the box and closed the door.

"What did you get?" Ricky asked. "What do you mean? This isn't yours?" I asked him. He shook his head no. "Well I never ordered anything either." I said kind of confused once more.

"Open it." Ricky implied. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a knife to open the box with. I sliced the top open and flipped it open. As soon as I saw the sight of hat was in the box I screamed in pure terror. "What the hell?" Ricky shrieked. There was a decapitated and bloody rabbit in the box.

"Wait, babe come here there's a letter in it." I hesitantly walked over to the table where Ricky was holding the letter. The front read:

Delilah and Ricky Olson.

I was scared to read this letter. I mean, who would send this to us? Who dislikes us this much?

"You read it, I'm scared to find out what it says." I told Ricky. He began opening the letter, and soon started reading it.

Dear, Delilah and Ricky Olson

I've missed you Delilah, you too Ricky. Must I say it's been quite a while. The children have grown to beautiful young adults. Your whole family is beautiful. Something I've never had.

Haha. So let's create something beautiful and destroy it.

I'm warning you that all hell is about to break loose.

I'm warning you......

There's nothing to do to escape this, if you call the cops I will personally kill your husband and children in front of your face. Then I'll kill you.

All I'm saying, is to expect what's about to happen. Prepare for hell.

Again, this is a warning. Take it seriously, because you never truly do know when we will strike.

I'm coming for you.

Take care.

Love Always, .......

I can't believe they sent me this. Why? Why after all of this time would they start shit. I have two kids I need to protect. I can't let them do anything to my children and my husband. They can take me. I'll willingly go if it keeps my family safe.

After all they are my parents

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