We're Going On Tour!

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Ricky's POV

It's been a month since the whole scare from TJ. Apparently she had a twin sister named Grace?

Anyways, today was an important day. Chris called me and told me that we start touring again next week, and I have to break it to Delilah.

I have to break it to her that she's coming with us. I didn't want to leave her again after we pretty much just got together. Actually it's been seven months so we didn't just get together, but it sure does feel like it. And our relationship is as strong as ever. So I want to be able to keep it that way, so the guys and I decided to put her to work at the merch table with Ryan's girlfriend Allie.

She'll be excited.

I walked into the kitchen to find Lyla making something for breakfast. "Hey Lyla, I've got to tell you something." I smiled "What is it Ricky?" She asked.

"Uh, Motionless is going on tour in a week" I saw her face drop "And I was wondering if you'd like, you can come with us and help Allie out at the merch table" Her face instantly lit up. "Of course I'll go, why wouldn't I want to go?."

"Alright, it's settled, your going." She shrieked in excitement and ran into me for a hug. I just chuckled at her excitement.

One Week Later-

Lyla and I were getting the rest of our stuff packed away when I heard Chris's voice downstairs. "Lets go ladies! We don't have all day!"

"Hey! I am not a lady!" I yelled back. Lyla giggled next to me. "That is not funny Lyla." I pointed out. "Actually it was kind of funny."

"Whatever" I said faking annoyance in my voice. "See, your a drama queen. Typical women."

"Don't help Chris out!"

"Sorry baby, but your a women. But I must add that you are a pretty hot women. I'd date you if I were into that." She laughed.

"I know, I'm so attractive." I flipped my hair for effect. "And your already stuck with me."

"Well in that case" She said coming towards me "I can do this" Lyla crashed her lips to mine.

We were hardcore making out when Chris walked into our room. "Let's go, we don't.... am I interrupting something?." Obviously not Chris, we were just enjoying some private time.

"Yes Chris, you were, but let's just go" I replied.

When we got to the bus I didn't feel like doing much but sleeping, and I wanted to make the time go by faster since the next show was five hours away. I dragged Lyla to my bunk and we just slept the whole ride.

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