Mr. And Mrs. Olson

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Delilah's POV

I was standing in front of the doors with Chris since he was going to walk me down the aisle. I would've had my father do it but he doesn't exist in my life anymore. He was a drunk and abusive son of a bitch, and I don't have a brother to resort to so, since Chris is like the nonbiological brother I never had he's going to do it.

"You ready Lyla?" Chris asked me. I simply nodded my head, this was the start of my future and I wasn't going back.

The music started playing and I started to shake a bit. "A little nervous?" Chris chuckled. I slapped his arm and he shut up knowing that he wasn't helping me.

The doors opened in front of me and all I saw was the rows of people in front of me.

If your wondering where we are, we are not in a church. You wouldn't find me in a church EVER. Not even if I were dead, okay maybe if I were dead. But really, we're in a beautiful vintage styled mansion that we rented out for the weekend.

Back to the wedding.

The music was playing and the lights dimmed a bit leaving this really creepy feeling to the room. I could see Ricky standing at the end of the aisle looking right at me with this expression on his face that told me he liked my dress. Really liked it.

I grabbed onto Chris's arm and we began to walk slowly. All eyes were on me, and let me tell you. For once all of the attention felt good.

When we got to the end, I put my hands in Ricky's and we started the ceremony.

"Ricky, if you'd start with your vows first" The altar guy said. He nodded and looked me in the eyes. I'm gonna need a tissue I can tell you that right now.

"Delilah" Ricky started. "I've loved you from the moment I saw you, and you've grown to be everything that I've ever wanted. My best friend, the mother to our beautiful baby girl, and most importantly the keeper to my heart. I love you more than words can describe. Through all of our rough times, I've learned to love you even more. Hell! I've learned to love you more and more each second of each minute of every hour of every day. I love you with all of my heart Lyla and I know that this is right. It feels so right to just know that your the one I'll be waking up to every morning and the one that will be waiting for me when the guys and I get home from every tour we go on. Your the best thing that's ever happened to me babe and I'm ready to spend forever with you." Ricky finished. I was crying so hard, I couldn't see Ricky who was right in front of me.

"Delilah if you'd say your vows now."

I cleaned up the tears as best as I could and began my vows.

"Ricky, I don't think I can top what you've just said, but I'm going to say what it is that I have to say anyways." There were a few laughs in the audience as I proceeded.

"Well, we've made it!" I chuckled. He chuckled too. "We've been through so much together and I'm happy that we overcame those blocks in the road to get where we are today. We went back to the start when you forgot who I was. I didn't know what my life was going to be like without you because there's no way in hell that I could live without you. Your my soulmate, my other half and I'm glad you chose me for this special honor of being your wife. I love you so much as does Salem, so don't you ever forget that." Ricky's eyes were getting a little glossy, but being the man he was, he was going to try and stay strong for the sake of his manhood.

"On to the good stuff!" The guy exclaimed which made everyone laugh.

"Do you Ricky Olson take Delilah to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" Ricky responded.

"And do you Delilah Grey take Ricky to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"You may now kiss the bride" he announced.

I leaned in as did Ricky and we shared such a sweet yet passionate first kiss as husband and wife.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife!"

"How does it feel Mrs. Olson?" Ricky whispered in my ear. "Pretty fucking good babe, pretty fucking good."

We spent the rest of the night dancing, eating, and then going to a hotel for the night where things happened. It was a good day. And it was just the start of many more to come.

It was the start of our forever.

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