Oh Hell No

565 22 4

Ricky's POV

"Chris! Josh!" I yelled. "Oh my god Salem." I ran over to her. She was tied down to a chair, her face pale and her eyes dull. "What happened?" I asked as Chris and Josh ran in.

"Th-th-they took mom and C-Cayden." Oh my god. "Who took them!" I needed to know. All of this was happening so fast.

"Who took them Salem?" Chris repeated. "I don't know! They were wearing masks. But one of them called mom sis." She was still in a state of shock.

"Did they do anything to you?" I asked scared of her answer. "No, but one of them hit mom." She replied. "Rick..." Chris trailed off. "I swear to god I'm going to kill them all!" I screamed. Salem hid behind Josh. "Ricky, calm down it's going to be okay." Josh said while trying to comfort my daughter.

"How is this okay! My wife and my son are missing Josh!" I sat in the chair Salem was just tied up to and put my head in my hands.

"Dad, it's going to be alright. We'll find mom and Cayden." Salem said as she walked over to me and hugged me. "I hope so, you guys mean the world to me and I couldn't lose any of you." I hugged on to Salem tighter.

"I love you too dad, more than you'll ever know." And that's when I broke. I just cried. I didn't know what was going on and it scared me.

"Tell us what the kidnappers were like." Josh asked. Im glad he did because I wouldn't be able to. God I'm such a baby. But my family meant more to me than anything and when this happened... It's unbearable.

"Well, they were all guys, except one was a girl and there were four total. The girl was the only one not wearing a mask. She had makeup on that I might add as terrible and her hair was brown. Her eyes were brown and she was shorter than my dad." Salem replied and Chris laughed. "Even your daughter thinks your short Ricky."

"Shut up Chris, I'm not short!" I said through my tears. They were clearing up a little, I guess Chris's joke about my height made me smile some. So I guess it made the situation a little better.

"Anyways, yeah I guess you could say she looked fake." Salem clarified. I knew Jasmine was in on this, but not this much into it.

"The guys were somewhat muscular not really, one of them maybe Josh's height, another a little shorter than Chris and the other just as tall as Chris." She finished. Well that narrowed it down. Hear the sarcasm.

"I wonder why they took Delilah and Cayden but not Salem." I heard Chris mumble.

"That's a good question, because one of them wanted to, but another told them to leave me here tied up." Salem said. "Well I'm glad, because if it was all three of you I would've been even more of a mess." I chuckled. "We'll find them dad, I promise you. And we won't stop till they're here with us." She replied.

That's my girl. Determined and devoted.

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