The Insiders?

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Ricky's POV

"Honey, I'll be back I've got to go to work. Stay safe and watch the kids will ya." Lyla said as she grabbed her keys off of the counter and walked towards the door. "I love you Ricky, I'll be back soon." She shouted before walking out the door. "I love you too babe, more then you'll ever know." I mumbled to myself.

I made myself comfy on the couch and watched Dexter alone.

Two Hours Later~

There was a knock on the door. I swear this better not be another 'present'. My wife doesn't need another heart attack waiting to happen.

I opened the door expecting the mail man, but instead got a worried looking TJ? "Hey Ricky, it's been a while huh?" he chuckled. "Yeah it has. Come in." I stepped aside and let TJ in. "So, what brings you here TJ?" I asked after a while of silence.

His face just dropped. I don't think this is good. "Listen Ricky, I know I left Motionless not on the best of terms, but I do still care for all of you as friends so just hear me out alright." he said "I'm listening." I replied curiously.

"I know that Delilah's parents are coming for your family. I also know who's involved, and I want you to be careful around everyone. I'm not dating Jasmine anymore, but I can tell you that she's one of the two involved other than Delilah's parents." TJ said. "Wait, there's four of them?" I asked scared. He nodded his head yes.

"Tell me who the other person is TJ." I said getting anxious. "I can't Rick, You weren't even supposed to know about Jasmine." he replied.

"How do you know about all of this TJ" I asked. He sighed and began to speak. "You already know I was involved with Jasmine, well turns out Jasmine is dating some other guy who happens to be connected to Delilah's parents." He explained. "Get to the point, how do you know?" I pushed once more.

"I went to go apologize to Jasmine after we broke up, and I kind of eavesdropped. She was cheating on me our whole relationship. The only reason she tried to use you was so she could get to Delilah. And she used me to get to the both of you." TJ said now looking sad. "Don't worry man, I'll help you find another girl." I said as I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not sad about losing Jasmine. I hope she dies a painful death." He said bitterly.

"Then what are you worried about?"

"If she ever finds out about this, she'll kill me. Somehow she knew I heard her and told me she'd be the one to do the 'dirty work' herself. She's going to kill me Rick and I don't know what to do." TJ replied.

"For now, TJ you can stay with us." I exclaimed. "Really? Thanks man, I owe you big time."

"No problem and you don't owe me anything. Besides, we might all end up dead." I chuckled horrified.

"Wanna watch some tv with me?" I asked TJ. "Yeah, it's not like I have anything better to do." He chuckled, making me laugh a little too.

About an hour later Delilah came home. "Hey baby, I'm home." She said walking into the the living room as she plopped herself on the couch looking exhausted.

She looked to the right of her and then looked back at the tv before doing a double take. "TJ?" she shouted. "Hey Delilah." He smiled. "You little shit! I haven't seen you in years!" She exclaimed. TJ chuckled and I gave him a look. The one warning him not to tell Lyla anything. I think for now things are better left unsaid.

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