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Ricky's POV

I stared at him for what felt like forever, but he just looked at the ground. What the fuck was he doing here, and with that whore. I haven't seen TJ Bell since he left the band. "TJ what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Hey Rick, nice to see you too, and I'm here with my girlfriend. Why?"

"Well first of all TJ your slut of a girlfriend tried to mouth rape me, and seduce me into doing something unimaginable with her."

"Is this true Jasmine?" TJ asked. "Baby listen, he tried to hit...."

"That's not true, I saw the whole thing" Delilah said. "Why do you think I was beating the shit out of her, she tried to get with my boyfriend" Lyla backed me up. "Jasmine, we are over until you can control this behavior, it's pathetic. I wanted you to be my girlfriend not a slut who was a waste of my time. We are over until you can control yourself" TJ said.

With that he got in the car and drove away with her still in our driveway. "Go home bitch, I've seen enough of you today" Delilah snapped. That in my mind wasn't really necessary because she was already crying hard, that just made her run right into the middle of oncoming traffic.

I ran out to go get her, and fortunately I managed to grab her arm and pull her back into the driveway. "Hey Lyla, I'm gonna give Jasmine a ride home, I'll be back in a half hour." I stared out at the traffic ahead. If I didn't grab her arm in time.....

"Okay, don't do anything you'll regret."

"I promise baby I won't, see you later." I muttered "Bye" she replied.

I walked to the car and got in and waited for Jasmine to get in the car. Once she did I started the car and made the journey to her house.

When we got to the car I just sat in the car and waited for her to get out. I was surprised because when she opened the door she muttered a "thank you" and walked to her house. I was beyond tired and wanted to go home.

"Hey baby, I'm home" I said as I walked through the front door. Lyla didn't answer me. She must be sleeping I thought, she's probably exhausted after the events of today. I walked up the stairs and surely she was in my bed sleeping. I might as well just invite her to move in with me, I know it's soon, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I kissed her head and walked downstairs to sleep on the couch. Lyla might have been uncomfortable if we slept in the same room, so I just took the couch.

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