The Attack

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Delilah's POV

My name is Delilah Rose Grey, and I haven't formally introduced myself, so I'll take this opportunity to.

As you know my name is Delilah, and I have two drunk parents who abuse me physically and verbally. They have been this way for about 5 years and I can't take it anymore.

As you may also know, I have a best friend whose name is Ricky Olson, and he's helped me through all of my troubles. I have feelings for him, but I know he doesn't feel the same.

I get bullied at school physically and verbally as well, and it gets bad sometimes. If it wasn't for my best friend I don't know where I would be. I have blue eyes and dark, long, black hair. I also have lip rings and I'm about 5'5. My favorite colors are dark purple and black, and I absolutely love bands.

Music is my whole life.


Ricky's POV

It's been a week, and I've been waiting for Lyla's birthday so we could move out together already since we'd both officially be 18. I want to protect her and help her get away from her 'parents'.

Anyways, Lyla's birthday is a month and a half away and I want to do something really special for her besides having us move in together. She deserves a break from all the drama in her life. I was thinking that we could go on a vacation or something, but that would have to be after graduation unless we dropped out. That option is probably unlikely, because as much as she wants to leave, Delilah thinks that her education is important. Right then I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rang.

Unknown number...? "Hi?"

"Hey, this is Chris, remember me from a couple months ago when we bumped into each other at Starbucks?" I remember alright."Oh, hey Chris"

I was waiting in line at Starbucks when some old lady started beating Chris with her purse and yelling 'the power of Christ compels you' in his face. I helped him out and we started to talk to each other. He ended up telling me that he was in a band.

Of course, I told him that I played guitar, then he proceeded to tell me that if he ever needed a guitar player he'd call me. Little did I know that he would need a guitar player this soon.

"What did you call for?" I asked curiously. "Well, you see, I was wondering if you would play guitar for my band" He asked evidently excited. "Sure, I would love to, when do I start?" My day is getting better.

"Well, you can start whenever" he said cheerfully. "I'll text you my address, and when the next practice is."

"Okay, thanks for inviting me!" I'm so happy, I can't wait to share the news with Delilah

My phone beeped in my pocket.

Chris: I forgot to mention the tour coming up. Be prepared.

Ricky: Alright, thanks for the heads up.

All I could think about was Delilah. I love her and I can't just leave her here. She'll hate me.

Chris's POV

I was so happy that Ricky agreed to be a part of Motionless In White. I can't wait to go on tour with Ricky, he's amazing at what he does.

Delilah's POV

I was walking down the street and I felt as though someone was following me. I was so scared. I kept walking though, ignoring my instincts. I was about a block down the road and I still kept telling myself that someone was following me, so I speed walked as fast as I could to a coffee shop that was a couple blocks from Ricky's house.

Delilah: Come pick me up, I think I'm being followed.

Ricky: Be there in a few, stay safe!

Delilah: I'll try

Ricky: Where are you? It would usually help if I knew where you were.

Delilah: I'm at the coffee shop about ten minutes from your house. You know which one I'm talking about right?

Ricky: Yup! On my way.

As soon as I put my phone away, a large hand covered my mouth and I was thrown over what I assumed was a someone's shoulder.

It was dark outside, so I didn't know where I was going, but I do know, that when they turned a corner, they were in an alley.

"Hey sweetie, you can do this the easy way or the hard way. Choose" I heard the man say as he dropped me.

I couldn't see his face, but I could tell that he was a rather large. "I'd say the hard way because I'm ready to kick your ass" I replied.

"If you say so, cupcake."

"Don't fucking call me that." Who the hell calls someone cupcake?

He was now so close to my face that I could see him roll his eyes at me. "Go on, keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find your brain back there."

"That's it you emo piece of shit, you asked for this" He exclaimed.

What the fuck was he going to do?

He came closer to me and grabbed a hold of my shirt and tore it in half with a single pull. I managed to scream as loud as my lungs allowed.

The man then started to grab my pants by the belt loops and I was pulled towards him. I screamed again and I closed my eyes preparing myself for what was going to happen next.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice "Stop you disgusting piece of shit!" They yelled. They were holding what was looking like a baseball bat, but yet again I could be wrong because it was so dark.

The next thing I knew, I was running for the corner of the alley where I crouched on the ground with my knees between my head struggling to breathe. I was so out of shape.

"Hey!" I heard the familiar voice call. "Excuse me miss, are you alright?" He asked. "Y-y-yes" I said through a shaky breath. "Lyla?" The voice asked. I looked up. Look who came to the rescue.

Ricky's POV

When I got a text from Lyla I was so worried. I wanted her to be safe.

When I got to the coffee shop I got out of the car and saw that Delilah wasn't there. What the hell? She told me she would be here.

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