I Want To Be Alone

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Ricky's POV

I decided it was best to drive around and look for Delilah. Maybe she really was in trouble.

After ten minutes of looking I found nothing. Wait. There was a woman being attacked in an alley across the street.

I saw the attacker rip her shirt right off. What a perv.

I grabbed the bat that was in my backseat and went for the alley. Don't even ask why I have one in my car. It's a long story.

Wherever Delilah was, she could wait a couple minutes. Right?

"Hey!" I screamed at the attacker. He turned and looked at me. He was pretty damn tall, but I ran at him with my bat anyways. I aimed for his head leaving him on the ground bloody and knocked out.

I looked around for the girl, wondering if she was okay, and saw her in the corner of the alley crying.

"Excuse me miss, are you alright?" I asked. "Y-y-yes" She said through a shaky breath. I knew that voice as well as my own. "Lyla?"


"Yeah, it's me, it's okay Delilah. What happened?" I asked taking my shirt off for her seeing that she had no shirt on anymore. "I'll tell you later, I just want to go home."

"Alright, let's go home".

Delilah's POV

Halfway to Ricky's house I fell asleep thinking about tonight's events. I was so scared. I really thought that I was going to get raped and beat up. Ironically Ricky found me and beat him up. I owe him big time.

"Delilah we're at my house, wake up" I hear Ricky say quietly. I ignored him and fell back asleep, but he picked me up and brought me in the house. Damn you Ricky, disturbing the peace.

He was so sweet, he put me in his bed and tucked me in. Then he got in too. Almost instantly his breathing slowed and I knew he was asleep.

When I woke up, I got out of bed as softly as possible. Of course, Ricky had to wake up and ask me where I was going. "Lyla, what are you doing up" Ricky asked groggily. "I'm going to the bathroom, go back to bed" I went down the hallway and walked down the stairs as quietly as possible.

When I stepped down to the floor from the last step, I walked down the hall into the bathroom.

Ricky's POV

When I woke up Delilah wasn't next to me, but then I remembered that she went to the bathroom, yet again, I don't remember her coming back. Maybe she was down stairs.

I trudged down the stairs sleepily to only find out that Delilah wasn't here either. Great. Where is she? I grabbed my phone off of the counter in the kitchen and texted her.

Ricky: Where are you?

Delilah: I went for a walk, be home soon

Ricky: Why?

Delilah: Because I felt like it?

Ricky: Alright, just be safe. We don't need a repeat of what just happened.

Delilah: I'll be home soon.

I hope she stays safe.

Delilah's POV

When I walked back inside, Ricky was at the table eating pancakes. "Where's mine?" I asked while fake pouting.

"Make your own loser" He replied as he took a bite. "Jerk" I muttered. "What was that?"

"Nothing." He just rolled his eyes and went back to his pancakes while I sat there chuckling. I was so happy when I was with him.

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