Date Night

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Delilah's POV

I've officially been living with Ricky for a month now and life's never been better.

Today we were going on a date. I was excited to finally go on another one. We haven't been out since the whole Jasmine thing a month ago.

Speaking of Jasmine, she called me once two days ago and told me that she was sorry. Of course I didn't forgive her. Call me heartless, but she was all over my man intentionally.

Two hours later

"Lyla, you ready yet?" I heard him call from downstairs. "Almost, give me a minute" I yelled back.

I was wearing a black dress that went down to my knees and had lace sleeves.

I let my black hair down and put on some dark purple eyeshadow. I was also wearing black heels and a Motionless In White bracelet. Gotta support the boyfriend right?

When I walked downstairs I noticed that Ricky was holding a bouquet of black roses. "Ricky, those are gorgeous!" I exclaimed. "Not as gorgeous as you" He complemented. I looked down and blushed.

I wasn't used to the compliments yet. "Your so cute when you blush."

"Stop, your making me blush again" I said. Ricky chuckled. "You don't look bad yourself Olson."

He was wearing a black dress shirt and black skinny jeans and a pair of black vans. He also had some light make up around his blue eyes. "But never as good as you Grey."

I walked over to Ricky and held his hand and he walked out the door. When we got to the car he opened the door for me before getting in the driver side. "Such a gentleman" I said softly. "Only for my pretty lady"

Good thing it was dark in the car because I blushed again. What was with this boy and making me blush like an idiot.

When we got to the restruant Ricky opened the car door for me again and helped me out. He's so sweet.

We were in the middle of dinner when I was met by Ricky's blue eyes staring at me. "Want to take a picture? It'll last longer" I said laughing. "Sure, but right now I just wanted to give you something."

"Okay?" I said confused. Ricky pulled out a box from his coat pocket and handed it to me. "What's this for babe?" I asked. "Happy two month anniversary! It hasn't been long, but we've known each other forever so I'm sure that counts."

"I didn't get you anything" I said a little discouraged. "Your all I need, now open it." Awe Rick. Such a doll.

"Pushy are we?" I laughed. When I opened the box I was shocked at what I saw. It was gorgeous. It was a black necklace with a purple heart locket and inside was a picture of us when we were in high school together.

"This is so sweet and beautiful, I don't know what to say, thank you so much. I absolutely love it" I said flabbergasted. "You don't have to say anything, I have you, and that's the best thing that could ask for."

"Your too kind, you know that."

"Lyla, there's something else I need to tell you."

"What is it love?" I asked. "Lyla, I love you." He blurted blatantly.

"Really?" I asked almost in tears. "Really."

"I love you too Ricky." By this point I was crying a little. "Awe, baby don't cry" he said reaching across the table and wiping away my tears. "Thank you Ricky, for everything" I said. "Like what?" he asked.

"Like saving me, you saved me from myself, and I'm thank you for that. I've never been happier than when I'm with you." I said with tears threatening to spill once again. "I'll go to the ends of the earth and back to make you happy Lyla. I'll do anything for you" he said sweetly. "I love you, you know that."

"I love you too, and of course I know you love me too. What's not to love?" he said sassily.

When we left the restruant and went back home I changed into my pajamas and sat on the couch laying my head on Ricky's shoulder. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure, I'll go put in A Nightmare Before Christmas."

"Awe baby, you know me so well!" Ricky chuckled and popped the movie in before returning to the couch.

About ten minutes into the movie Ricky got a phone call. "Hello?" he said. "Woah, TJ calm down man, tell me what happened." I was sensing some concern in his voice. "She what! I don't understand TJ."

"Calm down, I'll be over in a few". Ricky looked quite sad. "Lyla, we have to go to TJ's, something happened to Jasmine and now TJ is freaking out. We need to go calm him down."

What happened to Jasmine?

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