The Unknown Number

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Delilah's POV

I woke up to a buzzing notice coming from my phone, and I noticed that I was still cuddled into Ricky's side. I don't want to wake him up, so I let my phone keep buzzing and fell back asleep.

A couple hours later, I woke up again, but this time I was alone on the couch and Ricky wasn't there. I grabbed my phone remembering that it was buzzing this morning curious to see who was texting me.

When I unlocked my phone I had several different messages all from the same unknown number. They all said something like:

Unknown number: I've missed you sweetie, it's been six years

Unknown number: I'm coming to get you

Unknown number: better watch your back

I started to think about everyone I was with six years ago and I can only name about five or six.

I don't think any of them would do this. Whoever it was though, was truly scaring me.

Ricky's POV

I walked back into the house with Starbucks.

"I brought coffee" I half yelled while walking onto the bus. "Yay, what did you bring me?" Lyla exclaimed excitedly. "I bought your favorite. A vanilla bean frappe" I replied. "I love you so much right now."

"I know you do, now help me wake up Chris so I can give him his coffee."

"Alright" Lyla replied.

"Okay so the plan is th....."

"What plan?" I heard Chris ask from behind me. "The plan to wake you up asshole" I said, kind of sad that I wasn't gonna get to torture him today.

"Anyways, I got you coffee" I replied. "I love you so much right now Rick, like you don't even know" he stated. Funny, Lyla just said the same thing. "I don't think I want to know."

"Yeah, what do you wanna do today, we have today off" Chris asked. "How about we just stay here and have a little party, since today is Delilah's birthday" I suggested. "Sure, let me ask the guys. But I have to go out and buy my little sis a present first, see ya later Rick."

"Whatever, enjoy the coffee" I yelled back as he walked off the bus.

Chris's POV

I didn't know what to get Lyla for her birthday, maybe I should just call Abigail and ask her, or I could call Ricky. Nah, I'll call Abby.

Abigail: Hello?

Chris: Hey Abby, it's me

Abigail: Oh, hey pumpkin, what's up

She called me pumpkin, because I absolutely love pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks, and I have this amazing pumpkin spice candle that smells like heaven. I know. Its amazing.

Chris: I was wondering, since you know Lyla so well, and today's her birthday, what would you get her

Abigail: I have a pretty good idea!

Chris: What is it?

After she filled me in and I agreed to that idea, I went home while planning out how this present is going to happen.

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