Falling From Grace

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12 Years Later-

Mystery POV

It's been a while, and we've been planning some things. I hope it all goes smoothly. I've decided to write a letter and give them a little present. A warning telling them that I will find them. And I won't hesitate to kill them. That stupid whore deserves none of this glory and happiness. And the present. That's gonna be something she'll love!

Dear, Delilah and Ricky Olson

I've missed you Delilah, you too Ricky. Must I say it's been quite a while. The children have grown to beautiful young adults. Your whole family is beautiful. Something I've never had.

Haha. So let's create something beautiful and destroy it.

I'm warning you that all hell is about to break loose. I'm warning you......

There's nothing to do to escape this, if you call the cops I will personally kill your husband and children in front of your face. Then I'll kill you.

All I'm saying, is to expect what's about to happen. Prepare for hell.

Agin this is a warning. Take it seriously though, because you never truly do know when we will strike.

I'm coming for you. I will find you soon. Take care.

Love Always, ...........

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