I Need Answers pt. 2

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Ricky's POV

"Talk about what Rick?" Chris asked.

That's when I spilled. Everything.

"Wow." Chris replied at the end. "Yeah, and I came to you guys to ask for your help."

"Of course I'll help, you and Lyla are like my brother and sister."

"Thanks Chris I really appreciate it. What do the rest of you say? Are you in?" I asked really hopeful. "We'll help you out buddy, right guys?" Ryan said as he scanned the room for nods. Everyone nodded.

"We have to start right now, I need to find those answers fast. We don't have much time." Once again everyone nodded.

"I can't help you right now, I've gotta be somewhere but I can still help you out." Vinny said. Yup, in the years following Ange left the band, Brandon filled his place then left and now we have Vinny as our touring drummer. He's a really cool guy I must say.

"Sure Vin, go do what you have to do I'm not stopping you." I replied. With that he just walked out the door.

"Alright, so Ghost, TJ, and Ryan go together and don't split up. I need the three of you to stay here and find any information you can about Lyla's brother. I don't know his name or anything about him but I need you guys to try alright?" I instructed.

" We'll try." Ghost replied. "Thanks, now Chris, you and Balz are coming with me, we're going to go to my house and get Lyla and tell her what's happening. Let's get going." I thew Chris my car keys since he was a better driver then I, and we made our way back to my house.

"How are we going to tell her Rick?" Josh implied. "I was hoping Chris would tell her."

"What! Why me?!" he shrieked. "Because Lyla won't be mad at you if you tell her." He looked scared. Honestly I was too, my wife was a totally different person when she was mad. It was sexy, but that's besides the point.

When we made it to my house, the three of us made our way into my house as fast as possible. I needed.. Well Chris needed to tell her everything so she could give us some information.

I kind of speed walked up the front steps. I was very impatient. I needed answers so these people wouldn't hurt my family.

"Lyla!" I yelled as I made it into the house. "Baby are you home?" No answer. "I'm gonna go check the rest of the house, stay here." I instructed Josh and Chris.

I walked into the kitchen. Nothing.

The living room. Nothing.

Our bedroom..... "Chris! Josh!" I yelled.

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