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Ricky's POV

Tour ended a week ago, and I'm happy that it did. After our three way date, Ryan proposed to Allie and ever since everyone's been bothering me about proposing to Lyla. But tonight's the night. It's now or never.

Delilah's POV

Today was Christmas Eve, finally! And Ricky said that he wanted to take me out tonight before our house gets crowded with people tomorrow. I ran up the stairs and took a shower before slipping on a simple, but cute black dress that had sleeves that went up to my elbows. I then put on my black heels and the necklace Ricky had gotten me for our anniversary, along with his key necklace that he gave me as well. I wear them everyday. I put on a thin line of eyeliner and some black eyeshadow before going downstairs to meet up with Ricky so we could leave.

When I got downstairs Ricky was sitting on the couch with his hands in his lap. "Hey babe, you ready?" I asked. He didn't respond. "Ricky?" I asked. Nothing. "Rick, you alright?"

"Oh, y-yeah I'm a-alright, you ready?" He asked tripping over his words. "Yeah, come on." I replied unsure if he was really okay or not.

When we got in the car Ricky opened the door for me and then walked around to the other side to get in. "Are you sure your alright babe?" I asked Ricky again. "Don't worry about me Lyla, I'm fine I promise you." I didn't reply, but instead turned on the radio to find out that Motionless's album Creatures was in.

"I just love this band so much!" I exclaimed. "Me too." Ricky chuckled "Especially the guitar player, he's super hot."

"Yeah, Ryan's pretty damn hot." He replied. "He's my man crush every Monday!" I said pretending to fangirl. Ricky and I just started laughing. "We are so weird!" I exclaimed. "Tell me about it." He said while still laughing.

"So what are your plans for us tonight?" I asked after our fit of laughter subsided. I swear I saw Ricky's face flush. "U-um, it's a s-surp-prise."

"Alright?" I questioned as he stuttered again. This man is acting weird tonight. "How much longer Rick, I'm very impatient." Ricky let out a small chuckle. "Soon Lyla." Ugh, he couldn't just tell me?

I pulled out my phone and texted Abby and Allie in a group message while waiting to arrive at our destination.

Lyla: Heyy!

Allie: Hey girl! What's up?

Lyla: Nothing, just going out with Ricky before our house gets crowded with you losers tomorrow

Allie: Have fun! And shut up, we are not losers!

Lyla: Where's Abby? And fine your not a loser just Ryan and the rest of the MIW guys

Allie: Oh..Abby is busy? If you want to call it that.... And that means your boyfriend is a loser too

Lyla: I know what you mean.. That's awkward, and yup, Rick is the biggest loser I know!

Allie: Gonna go watch a movie with Ryan.. Have fun!!

Lyla: I will!

We were coming to a stop, and I thought we were there. I looked up to only be disappointed because it was just a red light. "Hey, Ricky guess what."

"What?" He asked. "Your a loser!" I replied. "But I'm your loser, so it's all good." I just smiled and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "God damn this light is long!" I whined, just as it turned green.

As we were halfway across the road, under the stop lights, I saw a bright light coming from my left.


I looked over at Ricky and he was looking at the SUV that was coming our way.

Everything instantly turned black as I felt the other car collide with our own.

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