Finally Home

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Delilah's POV

It's been a boring week, I've just stayed in our bed and rested. Ricky demanded that I take it easy on myself so I don't make the concussion worse, or that I get plenty of sleep. When I've been up, we just watch movies on my laptop.

Currently, we were at home watching all of the Scream movies, since tour ended about a week before I was rescued. They didn't want to wait around for me to be found any longer. so the whole tour was canceled. And now we're home.

I was so bored being at home.

"Can we do something tonight?"I asked Ricky. "No, baby you need to rest."

"I've been resting for a week, come on Ricky lets do something." I asked again. "Fine, but if you don't feel good at any time, tell me and we'll go home."

"Fine mother Richard." I replied sarcastically.

I jumped out of bed and got in the shower. Once I was done, I wrapped myself in a fluffy black towel. Shit. I forgot my dress. Where was it anyways?

As I walked out of the bathroom, I went over to the closet and it wasn't there. I don't remember even taking it out if the car. Fuck. I'm not going to the car in this. "Ricky!" I yelled.

I heard the door open and he just stared at me. "Take a picture it'll last longer" I said. "Sorry, what did you need." He asked. "I'm assuming you found my dress in the car, you know, the one I bought at that cute boutique?" He smiled wide.

"Do you know where it is?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed his suitcase. After a little while of shuffling around I saw him pull out the dress and the shoes. "Thanks babe" I said. "Welcome" he replied before walking out of the bedroom.

I ran back to the bathroom, finished changing, then applied my usual makeup, with the exception of a little more foundation to cover the bruises. I then slipped on my heels and walked downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I saw that Ricky was already dressed to go as well. "I told you, you'd look hot in that dress" he said looking me up and down. "Thanks babe" I blushed. He grabbed my hand and we started to make our way to the front door.

"Wait" I said as Ricky was about to open the door. "What?" He asked. I didn't reply, I just pressed my lips to his hungrily craving his touch. "I've missed this" he said once we pulled away. "I missed you so much Lyla" he said. I pressed my lips to his again. "Then let's stay home, and you can show me how much you've missed me" I said seductively. "I'm fine with that" Ricky replied.

I grabbed his hand and we found our way to our room and then started to kiss frantically yet passionately.

I unbuttoned Ricky's shirt, but mid way he stopped me.

"Ladies first." He spun me around and unzipped the back of my dress. I pulled the sleeves down from my shoulders, and it fell around my ankles. I stepped out of it, now only standing in my bra and underwear and slipped out of my heels.

"Don't leave me standing half naked alone. Your turn." I whispered. I finished off his shirt and pulled it off of his torso and threw it on the floor.

Ricky was now standing shirtless in the middle of the room. He kicked off his shoes next and then pinned me to the bedroom wall.

"I love you." He mumbled after every kiss he was planting on my neck. I reveled in the pleasure of it all.

"I love you too."

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