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Delilah's POV

When Devin and I were done shopping at the boutique, we were putting the dress and shoes in the car when two people came up to us. "Can I help you?" I asked the men. They didn't respond, but instead put rags over our mouths.

Fucking fuck this shit. What did I ever do!?

I saw Devin fall limp into the mans arms and I was still fighting the urge to pass out. It didn't work though, because I passed out too.

Ricky's POV

When Chris and I got into the jewelry store, I was already planning in my head what I wanted the ring to look like. "How may I help you?" The lady at the desk asked. "I was wondering if I could buy an engagement ring?" I was basically shaking at this point. So nervous right now.

"Sure, what kind are you looking for?"

"I was hoping that I could get one with black diamonds" I asked politely. "We have many selections of black diamond rings available, if you'd just follow me, I can show you our selection." I followed her to the display case of rings and one immediately stood out to me.

There was a black heart shaped diamond with little black diamonds on the side, and it was on a silver band. "I would like that one" I said pointing to the ring. The lady pulled the ring out of the case, placed it in a black velvet box and handed it to me. "Good luck!" The lady exclaimed. "Thank you" I replied smiling. That was easier than I thought.

"Wow, good choice Rick, she'll love it. Chris said. "Thanks man. Now let's get back to the bus so I can hide it before Lyla gets there." He nodded and we drove back to the bus in a comfortable silence.

When we got back to the bus, I noticed that Lyla and Devin were still out, so I put the ring in my pocket and made my way into the bus trying to figure out a good place to put it. "Oh my god!" Abby squealed "let me see the ring!" I handed her the ring and she smiled so big.

"She's a lucky girl Rick, you really know how to spoil her." "I try" I said quietly. "Well you do a dam good job, now let's find a good place to put this, because if I know Lyla, she'll find it if you don't hide it well." At least Abby knew what was on my mind.

"What am I going to do without you?" I asked Abby. "Deal with Chris, because I've had enough of him for a while." I chuckled. "I heard that!" Chris yelled from the living room. We both laughed and we found a pretty decent spot for the ring. I had put it in my suitcase for now.

Delilah's POV

When I woke up, I couldn't see anything around me. The room was pitch black. I noticed that I was sitting on a cold concrete floor, so I must be in someone's basement. Wait. I remembered that Devin was with me. Is he okay? "Devin?" I called out.

"Lyla?Where are we." He responded. "I don't know. Who would do this?"

I heard a door opening. "Did ya miss me slut?" A familiar voice spoke. The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't put a name to it. "Who are you?" I asked. "Don't remember me do you?"

"I can't see your face, so I wouldn't know" I spoke confidently.

The light was turned on. I saw her face. It was her. Jenna. "Your face looked better in the dark Jenna" I replied. I heard Devin laugh. "Don't be so confident in yourself. Your just going to end up dying anyways, the world doesn't need a pathetic whore like you."

"Says you, bitch." If I was going to die, I was going to say what was on my mind. She just rolled her eyes. "Keep rolling your eyes and you might find a brain back there." I snapped. Devin laughed again. Jenna snapped her head in his direction.

"Shut up!" She yelled. "Make me." Devin responded. "That's it you stupid gothic punks." She whined. Jenna walked up the stairs and came back with two needles filled with some sort of fluid.

She walked up to me and stabbed me in the neck with the needle. My vision quickly became blurry and I felt really dizzy. Eventually the darkness consumed me.

I don't enjoy being drugged.

Ricky's POV

It's almost eight at night and Lyla and Devin still aren't back. Maybe they went to a movie or something?

Or not.

Try to stay hopeful Ricky.

My phone rang and I saw that it was an unknown number. I answered it anyways, and discovered that it was the police department.

Ricky: Hello?

Cops: Hello, may I speak to a Mr. Olson

Ricky: Speaking

Cops: It appears that we have found Ms. Grey's car, and phone, and we found some massages that lead us to a conclusion of a kidnapping

Ricky: Did you find Devin?

Cops: May I ask who Devin is?

Ricky: Devin Sola, Delilah was with him today and neither of them returned

Cops: Well, we'd like if you'd come down to the station and come get her car

Ricky: Alright, thanks for calling, I'll be there in fifteen minutes

I hung up the phone and told Abby and Chris to get in the car. "What's going on Rick, why are you freaking out?" Chris asked. "Lyla and Devin were kidnapped."


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