I Was In There How Long?

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Delilah's POV

All I wanted was silence. I wanted nothing to do with my life anymore. I got back my everything just to lose it again.

Fuck my life.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knocking on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted. The door opened and Allie and Abby walked in. "Lyla, you've gotta get yourself together and leave your room."

"I can't, just give me some time." I asked. "You've been in here for a god damn month! I think you've been in here long enough!" A month? I've been in here a month. "A month?"

"Yeah, we just thought you wanted your space. But a month later and here we are." Allie sighed. "I'm sorry." I replied. "You know Lyla, we are all worried about you, even Ricky. Speaking of Ricky, he wants to take you out today." Abby said with a wide smile.

"I don't want to start over Abby." I cried. "Hey, don't cry, you'll get him back soon." Allie cooed.

I then realized that I needed to stop being like this and make the best of this situation. I will get him back soon. And I'll make sure of it. I'll try with all of my will.

"Lyla?" Allie asked "Sorry, I was thinking." I replied. "Well, get dressed, we'll be back to come get you in a half hour. Look decent." Abby called out as they both headed for the door.

I jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom to take a well needed shower.

I can't believe I was in my room for a month! I thought that it was only a couple of days!

Ricky's POV

Lyla's been in her room for a month, and I'm worried about her. I don't really know why she was in her room for that long, but I feel as though it's because of me. The only times she's ever come down stairs was for some food, but that's all.

I really want to be friends with her and get to know her.

And I think I have a little crush on her.

Okay maybe it's not little.

"Hey, Ricky" Allie greeted. "Hi, what's up." I replied. "Well, your going to take Lyla out."

"And where are we supposed to go?" I wondered. "Go out to Starbucks for coffee and then just do whatever you want."

"Okay." I replied. I then saw Allie go upstairs with Abby and they didn't come back down for a good twenty minutes.

When they did come back down, they just sat next to me on the couch and we made small conversation.

Delilah's POV

I got out of the shower and I was putting on my pants when I realized that they wouldn't zipper up. "Abby!" I yelled. Maybe she could help me.

Moments later she came in my room. "What!" she asked panicked. "Calm down, I just need help my pants won't zipper up. I'm too pregnant for these jeans." I replied sadly. "Alright." When she finished up she started to leave but I stopped her. "Abby, wait."

"What's wrong Lyla?" she asked. "Ricky doesn't know about this?" I asked pointing to my stomach. "No, but he will soon." She replied. "Just don't tell him it's his if he ever finds out." I asked. "Alright." Abby sighed before walking out the door.

I finished getting ready and walked downstairs to meet up with Ricky so we can leave.

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