More Surprises

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Delilah's POV

I must have fell asleep crying, because when I woke up, I was lying across the crappy hospital chairs with Abby next to me. "Abby? When did you get here?" I asked groggily. I rubbed my eyes and stretched a little. "I got here... Holy shit! Did he propose!" Abby asked excitedly. I completely forgot about the ring.

As I looked up at her I noticed that her all eyes were on me. It wasn't just Abby who was here. It was Chris, Ryan, Allie, Kelly and Angelo. Devin and his girlfriend Kylie were still in California. I immediately heard a chorus of congratulations but then I started to cry again.

"What's wrong, love?" Allie asked. "He didn't propose." I said through tears. "What do you mean?" Abby asked this time. "He didn't propose, I found the ring after the box fell out of the car. I just opened it before you guys got here."

"Damn, I thought he finally did it." Chris said. Abby slapped him on the arm pretty hard. "Ouch!" He winced in pain. "You deserved it you idiot." Abby replied. I just chuckled a little, they always lightened my mood.

We sat in silence waiting for the doctor.

"Mrs. Olson" my head snapped in the direction of the doctors voice and I stood up as quickly as I could. I also smiled to myself. He called me Mrs. Olson, but then again, I did tell the paramedics that I was his wife. As I stopped in front of the doctor, he began to speak. "I just came to tell you, that your husband is in well enough condition so that you can see him."

"Well, let's go!" I said sternly. "Before we go, I also wanted to tell you, that it looks like all your tests came back negative, and that your baby is okay."

"Baby?" I asked. "Yes, it appears that your pregnant, congratulations!" I felt the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "If you would, chose only one other person to go with you."

I walked back over to everyone with tears now leaving my eyes. "Oh, sweetie. It'll be okay, we're here for you." Kelly cooed. "What if he doesn't make it, what's going to happen?" I asked. "He's not dead?" Chris asked, which earned him another slap. "No."

"Then why are you crying?" Allie asked sweetly. "I' I'm kind of pregnant." I replied through a shaky breath. They all just stared at me with such sympathy and sadness. "He'll be okay." Angelo reassured. "I hope so, now Chris, come with me." I said. "Where?" He asked. "To go see Ricky." I said trying to steady my breathing back out. "Are you sure you want me to go?"

"Your his best friend, of course I want you to go."

We both walked up to the doctor and proceeded to follow him to Ricky's room.

"So, Mrs. Olson huh?" Chris asked nudging my side. I looked up at him and smiled for the first time all day. "He makes you happy doesn't he?" He asked. I nodded my head still smiling. "I can tell, every time I mention his name you smile as wide as the joker."

"Your the same way you hopeless romantic." I joked. Chris let out a soft chuckle and before we knew it, we were outside of Ricky's room.

As Chris was about to open the door I stopped him. "Wait!" I quietly yelled. "What?" He asked confused. "I don't think I can go in there."

"You can do it Lyla, it's going to be okay." He cooed.

I motioned for Chris to open the door and we walked in.

When I walked in, I saw Ricky laying there just peacefully sleeping. He looks better than I thought.

I walked over to Ricky and grabbed his hand. "Hey baby, I miss you wake up soon" I cooed.

I felt his hand squeeze my own.

God damn, I've only been here like five minutes and he's already responding to me. "Come on baby, I love you now wake up, you can do it." I encouraged. I saw his eyes flutter open.

"Nice to see you Rick." Chris said. I saw Ricky look over at us. He released his hand from mine and then gave me a confused look. "Ricky?" I asked just as confused. "Who's Ricky, and who are you?"

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