The Walking Dead

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Chris's POV

He flatlined. My best friend and band mate just died right in front of my eyes.

To be honest, I felt a few tears building up in my eyes. "I think you should take Lyla to go get some coffee or something." I told Allie, she nodded and went over to comfort her.

About five minutes after Delilah and Allie left, the doctor came out of Ricky's room.

I already knew what he was going to say.

"Do you know where Mrs. Olson is?" The doctor asked me. "She's not here at the moment, but she told me to take care of things, because she couldn't handle it herself. It's just too much to handle for her right now." I replied.

"Well, I wanted to tell her, but I guess I'll tell you that he's alive. We were able to recessatate him, and he'll probably wake up any minute now." I nodded my head and walked into the room.

Okay, maybe I didn't know what he was going to say.

I walked into his room, and sat in the chair waiting for Ricky to wake up.

Ricky's POV

I felt utterly lost in a completely different world than everyone else, although I could hear them. On occasions I could hear Lyla crying, others she was trying to talk to me, and the others tried talking to me too. I could hear them, but no matter how much motivation they tried to give me I just couldn't wake up.

I've been having this happen for a while now, and I didn't like it one bit. All I saw was darkness.

I felt Lyla's presence beside me as she pulled up a chair. She grabbed my hand and started to talk to me as she usually does every morning, but today she was interrupted. I heard Allie tell her that she needed to go home and then Chris tell her that she looked like shit. Does he tell Abby that? Real smooth Chris, real smooth.

Suddenly I felt as though the room was empty, most likely because it was.

I just layed there like I did all day, everyday. But this time it felt different. I had the pit of warmness in my stomach. It was a pleasant feeling, one that I welcomed.

As the feeling took over me, I felt my breaths decrease. My need for breathing lessened.

In the background I heard the monitors blaring. I blocked out the sounds and focused on this mysterious feeling of pleasure.

Soon the feeling completely washed over me and all of the sound stopped. I felt almost...dead? But I can't be dead can I?

Then it hit me. I was actually dead.

I mean let's think about it, I couldn't hear, see, move, or feel. I just stared into blackness as far as the eye could see.

I can't be dead though, Lyla needs me, the band needs me as well as the girls, and the fans would be devastated. I need to stay alive. As much as they need me, I need them too.

I tried to hold on with all of my will.

Suddenly my breath caught in my throat.

I was alive. I held on.

I now felt in a state of a light sleep, and I still felt alone, but I heard talking. It was Chris and the doctor. I could hear clearer than before. "Do you know where Mrs. Olson is?" I heard the doctor ask. We got married?

,The last thing I remember is taking her out to dinner so I could propose...wait... where's the ring if I never actually gave it to her? "She's not here, it was too much for her to handle." I heard Chris tell the doctor.

Well, now I know why she wasn't here... she thought I was dead.

My poor Lyla must be devastated.

As I was thinking, I heard the door open and someone sit down in a chair.

"Just wake up already Rick, god damn it. It's already been six fucking months." Chris spoke with sadness laced in his voice. It's really been six months?

I opened my eyes effortlessly at last and spoke. It came out really scratchy since I haven't talked in a while.

"Shut the fuck up Chris, can't a man get some decent sleep around here?" I looked over at Chris and he gave me the biggest smile.

"I'm glad your alive Rick." Chris replied. I smiled back and just rolled over.

"Chris." I mumbled into the pillow. "What?" he questioned. "Do you mind getting Lyla, I don't think she should be crying any more than she already has. I'm okay and I want to see her, I've really missed her man." I asked. Chris's face flushed and he stared at me with a blank expression.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." I swear if anything has happened to Lyla I might put myself back in the coma. "Nothing, I think it's best if Lyla tells you..or shows you rather." He spoke softly. I just nodded and pressed that little button that calls for a nurse. I needed some water.

Chris walked out of the room and the nurse conveniently walked in. "What did you call for?" The nurse asked sweetly. "I was just wondering if you'd mind getting me some water." I asked just as nicely. The nurse didn't say anything but rather turned on her heels and walked out.

Soon enough, she came back and handed me my water before leaving again.

As she walked out, this time Lyla walked in. "Oh my.." I muttered to myself. "Hey, do you remember me?" She asked cutting me out of my thoughts. When did that happen? I wondered.

"Of course I remember you babe, how could I not?" I replied. "Well, because of the accident you had a concussion and lost your memory from the injury."

"Well I remember you now, six months later." I smiled weakly at her and she just gave me a sad smile back. "I thought you died." she cried as she rested her head on my chest. "It's okay, I'm here now." I replied as I kissed her head. "Now, tell me." I started. "Tell you what?" she questioned. I just pointed to her stomach. "Oh." She muttered sadly. "Why are you sad, love?"

"Well, I don't really know." Lyla replied. "Then don't be sad."

"Alright" she exclaimed with a weak smile on her face. "So, how far along?" I wondered out loud. "Eight months." "Wow. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, I really tried to wake up but I couldn't." I looked at her and just stared into her eyes. "It's okay, it's not your fault." Lyla whispered.

I found us both leaning in and sharing a longed for kiss. It however ended up turning into a make out session. When we pulled apart I figured I should ask Lyla this very important question.

"Lyla" I spoke as I grabbed her hand. I saw she was wearing the ring, so I slipped it off of her finger. "Lyla, I know this is a very weird place to propose to someone in, but I want to do it now so it's official. I would also have gotten on my knees by now but as you can see that's not going to happen considering." I heard her give a cute little chuckle.

"Anyways, what I'm trying to get at here is that I love you so much, and now were going to have a family and I just want to spend every waking moment with you. We've been through so much and I can't live without you." I smiled at her and she was a little teary eyed.

"Will you marry me?" I asked hoping she wouldn't say no.

"I'd be stupid not to." she replied. I gave her the biggest grin and we kissed each other lovingly once more.

I heard a chorus of "awes" and we both jumped. "Can't you give us some privacy? I asked playfully. "So, Rick is a hopeless romantic?" Balz asked clearly teasing me. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Lyla laughed.

"I thought you wanted to marry me Richard!" Chris said with the girliest voice he could muster. We all laughed. "Sorry, I don't love you anymore, my heart belongs to someone better." I teased. He scoffed and then started to walk away. "Wait! Baby I love you take me back!" I yelled after him. By now everyone was rolling on the floor in hysterics.

"I love you Ricky." Lyla whispered. "I love you too Lyla." I whispered back.

It was great to be back.

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