Relationship Issues

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Abby's POV

I was getting all of the sleeping situations together when I heard a soft knock on the door. I walked to the front door and opened it to discover Lyla standing there almost in tears.

"Awe, sweetie what's wrong?" I asked Lyla. "We had an argument, so I came early."

"He'll come around, just give it time." "

Alright, I hope you don't mind me being here early." "

Oh, not at all. I couldn't wait for you to get here!" I replied. "I miss my man already, I was lonely without him." I complained "I don't miss mine, he's an ass." Lyla replied. "Honey, don't say that."

"Whatever, when are the rest of the girls getting here."

"They'll be here soon calm down." I replied. I think that I should warn Chris about this.

Abby: Hey, just wanted to let you know that Rick is most likely in a pissed off mood, him and Lyla just had a fight.

Chris: Alright, I'll go easy on him

Abby: pull him aside and tell him that I just happened to tell her that one day when she marries Rick that she'll find out what it's like, and she said that she wants to marry him Chris! This is big

Chris: Will do, anything else I should tell him?

Abby: Tell him that he should propose tomorrow at the wedding

Chris: Alright, love you, see you tomorrow

Abby: Bye, love you too

When I hung up the phone, I got really excited. Ricky might propose to Lyla tomorrow. This is going to be perfect.

When the rest of the girls; being Allie (Ryan's girlfriend and MIW merch girl) and Kelly (Angelo's girlfriend) showed up, we went out to dinner, and then came back home and tried some different makeup and hair styles for tomorrow.

I was kind of bummed that Devin and his girlfriend couldn't make it, but after the whole kidnapping thing, Devin went home to California. I don't blame him.

After we went through many styles of hair and makeup, I was exhausted of being pampered and had all of the girls and myself go to bed, because tomorrow was definitely a big day. A life changing day to be exact.

Chris's POV

After I got Abby's texts, and I made it to Ricky's house I knocked on the door, and just prepared myself to tell him the information I received.

"Hey Chris" Ricky said as he opened the door. "Hey Rick, I've got to tell you something important."


"Um, it's kind of about you proposing to Lyla." I just decided to come out wit it. "What is it?" He asked with uncertainty. "Okay, so Abby was texting Lyla earlier and apparently she said that she wanted to know how it feels to be married one day, and she said she wants to marry you."

"Well that's good to know, thanks Chris." Ricky replied. He was about to walk away when I caught his attention once more. "Hey Rick, Abby and I were thinking." I started. "Yeah, about what?"

"That maybe you could ask her at the wedding tomorrow."

"That's a nice thought and all, but it's your day, and I'm too antisocial to get up in front of everyone and just ask her. Besides I was going to wait until Christmas anyways."

"Oh, alright."

We headed to the living room and just sat in silence for a while until I decided to make some conversation. "So, how are you and Lyla doing." I asked. "We're okay, I guess."

"What do you mean okay?"

"Well, we kind of had an argument this morning and she left because she couldn't 'tolerate my attitude'." He said. "Why'd she say that?" I asked curiously. "Well, at first she got mad because I didn't want to turn the alarm clock off, and I told her to do it. Then I drank all the coffee that she made, and when she bitched at me to make more I told her to make it herself if she wanted it so bad."

"You are such a fucktard Ricky, never piss of a girl." I exclaimed. He laughed at me. "What's so funny?"

"Lyla called me that this morning, I think you hang out with her too much. I don't need my girlfriend to end up like you, that would be bad for me."

"You love me."

"Sure I do." He replied. "You do, and you love Lyla too, so you owe her an apology for being so attitudinal."

"Fine, but I'll apologize to her tomorrow at the wedding, now let's watch a movie and wait for the guys. What do you want to watch?"

"Uh, do you have the Lost Boys?" I asked. "Yup."

We were halfway through the movie when I heard the front door open and Balz's voice filled the house. "We brought wings!" He yelled. "Shut up!" I yelled just as loud. I heard Balz laugh as he, Ryan, and Angelo walked into the living room.

"Really Chris, how many times are you going to watch this movie?" Angelo asked. "As many times as I please, now shut it before I duct tape your mouths shut. Maybe with the exception of Ryan, cause he hasn't said anything yet."

"Because I'm smart and know not to mess with you." Ryan confessed. We all fell silent and ate some wings while finishing up the movie, and then heading to bed to get ready for tomorrow.

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