Party Games

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Delilah's POV

We've decided that we were just gonna stay on the bus and hang out tonight.

We were all sitting around doing nothing and I was bored, so I spoke up. "Let's watch a movie."

"Sure, what movie do you want to watch" Ricky asked. "You pick" I replied.

"Well, what movie do you wanna watch?" Why does he want me to pick? I'm very indecisive.

"How about Edward Scissorhands?" I asked at last. "I AM A MAN WITH SCISSORS FOR HANDS!" Chris yelled. "Stop reciting your songs." He's so weird.

"You know you love them Lyla" Chris stated. "I do love your songs. How about instead of a movie we play some games?" I asked everyone. I told you, I'm indecisive.

Everyone being Ryan, Devin, Ricky, Chris, Josh, and Angelo.

I wish Abby was here.

I got a chorus of nods and we started with the first game. Truth or dare.

I spun the bottle and it landed on Chris. "Truth or dare?" I asked him. "Dare."

"I dare you to lick Ryan's face from the chin to the forehead." He shook his head in disgust but then shrugged.

"That's nasty, but easy, so I'll do it." He licked Ryan's face with no hesitation. "That was gross." Ryan complained with a disgusted look on his face as he wiped Chris's spit off of him.

Chris then spun the bottle and it landed on Angelo. "Truth or Dare Angelo?" he asked. "Truth." Your no fun!" Chris pouted.

After Angelo told a truth, the bottle spun again and it landed on Ricky. "Truth or dare Rick?" Angelo asked. "Truth" he stated. "Come on Rick, don't be a chicken." I said. "I am not a chicken, I'll do a dare next time" he replied.

"What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?" Angelo asked. Ricky smiled and looked at me. "Obviously, I'm going to say Lyla."

"Awwww!" I heard Chris cheer. "Shut up, your soft side is showing." I laughed. "And the problem?" he replied. I just laughed again because I had nothing to say back.

The game just kept going back and forth until we got bored and the guys wanted to do something else. Of course, it was a 'how well do you know Motionless In White songs' quiz.

"Are you guys fucking serious right now?" I asked. "Yes, you need to know the essentials if you want to stay in the band" Ricky said. "I'm not in the band you idiot." I replied "Sure you are, you help Allie with the merch, you help clean the bus, you help us put on our make up. Your like the motherly figure we needed around here, so technically, your a part of the band."

"If I was your mother, I wouldn't do this." I walked over to him and put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me before I kissed his lips. "That would be scary if my mother made out with me" As I turned around to make my way back to the couch to prepare myself for the 'quiz' Ricky slapped my ass. "Excuse me" I said turning back around. "What? You have a cute ass."

My face flushed to a crimson color and I walked to the couch. "Alright, we are going to have Rick sing because I don't want to do this alone, and I'll scream because that's what I do in the band, and you have to guess what song we are singing for you."

"Sounds easy enough" I replied.

Before they started Chris pulled out his phone and typed something before whispering something in Ricky's ear.

Ricky started to sing

Ricky: Oh Abigail how could you do this to us, you were a product of lust

Chris: Product of lust

"Abigail" someone said from behind me. I looked over and there was my best friend standing in the doorway of the bus. "Abby!" I squealed. "Lyla!" She ran over to me and squeezed me tightly in a hug. "Why are you here? Not that I mind of course."

"I'm your random surprise gift." She laughed. "So that's why you made me take that dumb ass quiz" I asked. "Yup!" Chris stated. He walked up to Abigail and they started to heavily suck each other's faces. "Get a room!" Someone yelled at them causing them to break up.

"Well this is awkward" I told Josh, Ryan and Devin. I noticed that Ricky was gone.

When he came back, we all decided to play one last game. Charades.

I made Abby go first. She walked over to Chris and started to pull at his shirt and gave him a lap dance. "Your clearly a stripper." I stated quickly. "Why did you have to know that, I was enjoying that so much" Chris whined. Oh...
Alright then.

"Sorry" I said sassily. I didn't really care about ruining their moment, they were obviously going to 'make up for lost time' later anyways.

Josh went next. "Hey sexy" Josh winked at Ryan. "What the fuck?" Ryan asked confused and creeped out a little. "I like your hair, it's a good look on you."

"Uh, thanks?" he said. "Yeah, we should hang out sometime, I'd like to get to know you better."

"Flirting!" Angelo called out. "Yes!" Josh said laughing. That was honestly funny. "That was fucking creepy" Ryan stated. We all just busted out into a fit of laughter.

After we calmed down, Ricky went next. He grabbed his guitar and started to sing their bands song Underdog. I love his voice so much.

I am so clueless. "Um, your a singer?" Chris called out. "A little more" Ricky replied and continued singing. "Your singing for an audience" Josh said. Ricky shook his head and kept singing.

"I have no idea" I blurted. Ricky put down the guitar and went into the bathroom and came back with an eyebrow pencil. I knew what he was acting out. I started to laugh and all of the guys looked at me. "Your clearly acting out Chris" I said once my laughter died down a bit. He smiled.

I got off the couch so I could go next. I walked over to Ricky and pulled him up off of the couch. I stood in front of him and began to speak. "Oh. My. God!! Your Ricky Horror!!" I yelled. "Yes?" He replied with a little chuckle. "I can't believe this! I'm standing in front of THE Ricky Horror from Motionless In White! You are so hot in person! I can't believe you have a girlfriend! I thought you were my husband!" I fawned like the little fangirl I was trying to be.

"Your being such a fangirl, I know this because I used to fangirl over Chris all the time." Abigail blurted. Chris started laughing and she slapped her hand over her mouth. "Did I say that out loud?" She asked hopeful that someone would say no. "Yeah, you did. Now to change the subject drastically, when are you and Chris gonna get married?" I asked Abby. "The month after you guys get back from tour."

"No" Chris said "The real question is, Rick, when are you gonna ask your lady to marry you?" Ricky looked down at the ground and his face turned red. "I don't think that it's gonna be anytime soon" I said to Chris. "Why not?"

"I don't know."

"Well he better ask you at some point, cause he'd be stupid not to." Chris whispered into my ear. I smiled. "Thanks, and he's not as stupid as you make him out to be." I replied.

I looked over at Ricky and he was still looking at the ground. I just walked over to him and lifted up his chin. "I don't care if we get married or not, all that matters is that we are together now, and nothing can hold us back.

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