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Ricky's POV

It's been two months. A miserable two months. I've been looking for her, but I've found nothing. I even looked at the messages on her phone, but the police took them as evidence before they gave me her phone back.

I've hit rock bottom. I'm beyond depressed. I've lost my everything, and I don't know what to do. I feel so helpless. I mean, I spent my birthday in my bunk looking at all of the pictures of Delilah and I on her phone, and then crying myself to sleep.

I've been holding on to her dress though, because it reminds me of her, and the last time I saw her. I want to just kiss her and give her a big hug.

"Devin!" I heard Chris yell.

I jumped out of my bunk and ran out into the living room, and right in front of me was Devin. "Where's Lyla!" I practically yelled. He just gave me a sad look. "She's dead, isn't she?" I asked Devin. He shook his head no.

"Then where is she?" I asked again. "She told me to tell you that she loves you Rick." He said softly. I broke down then and there. In front of everyone. I don't give a shit about what they think right now.

"How did you escape?" I asked through tears. "Lyla was about to get raped by some sick bastard." My tears stopped and a burst of rage began flowing through me.

"Where the fuck is she?" I asked Devin. He got up and went outside and motioned for all of us except Abby and Allie to follow.

When we were all outside he gave us the directions. "I'm warning you, this Jenna girl is a psycho."

"Woah, woah, woah. Did you say Jenna." I questioned. Jenna did this?

"Yeah." Devin replied. "Blond hair, blue eyed, fake boobs Jenna?" I asked. He nodded. That bitch.

"Ryan and Balz stay here with the girls and Devin. Chris and Ange your coming with me." I stated before running in the house and grabbing my baseball bat. They both nodded and got in the car and drove to Jenna's house.

When we arrived on Jenna's street, I heard yelling coming from one of the houses. I heard a girl and a guys voice.

The girls voice was definitely Jenna's. I didn't hesitate as I immediately called the cops and told them everything.

I had my bat ready to go. I had Chris bust the door down, and I walked in first. I saw Jenna. "What the fuck?" She squealed. "Where is Lyla" I spat. "I don't know what your talking about." She said with no emotion, just staring at me blankly.

"I'll tell you what, you tell me where she is, or I'll kill you. Right here, right now." I said swinging my bat. "She's in the basement." Jenna confessed with terror laced in her voice. I wasn't joking around. Not now.

I started walking but then turned around. "If you would, hold her down Angelo." I said. Chris followed me to the basement.

When I got to the basement, there was a guy passed out on the ground, but no Lyla. "Lyla?" I said. "Where are you?"

"Ricky?" I heard her voice call out. It was weak and barely there, but I heard it. "Baby, where are you?" I asked. "I'm in the corner" she replied. I turned on the light and gasped in horror as I saw her figure. It was bruised and bloody, and she looked sleep deprived like Devin. Only she was in worse condition then him physically. And she barely had any clothes on.

I handed Chris my bat and picked up Delilah. Suddenly I heard the sirens outside. I smiled to myself and walked up the stairs with Chris trailing behind me.

The paramedics ran into the house and took Lyla from my arms. They brought her outside and just checked up on her to see if she was okay to go home, and luckily she was. All she had was some bruising, a minor concussion and just some dried blood that they cleaned off of her.

As they released her and we were leaving, I saw three people handcuffed and being put into a cop car.

It brought me joy to see this after two damn months.

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