New Girls And Prom Dates

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Ricky's POV

It was Monday morning and my alarm had just gone off signaling me and Delilah to get up. Delilah just groaned.

"Get up sleepy head." Yes, She is officially living with me now. Anyways, when I was done changing it was 6:45 and school started at 7:30. Luckily, Lyla had just finished up and we would get to school on schedule. I had to drive quickly because it took me a good twenty minutes to get there.

When we got to school, Lyla and I split up to go to our lockers, and then we would meet in our first class that we had together.

Delilah's POV

"Hey Lyla" Ricky said quietly. "What do you want Ricky, can't you just leave me alone" I asked rudely, I regret that now cause I feel bad for him, he did nothing wrong. I'm just being a bitch.

I don't know how to deal with my feelings for him!

"What's the matter Salem?" he asked. I just looked at him in pure shock. He stopped calling me that in like the 8th grade. I don't really know why though, because I loved that nickname. I smiled back at him. "I'm sorry for what happened, I didn't mean to be rude to you like that, I didn't sleep well." He nodded. "And since when did you call me Salem again, I thought you stopped that a long time ago?"

"Well it's good to have Salem around sometimes, she's a good friend you know." Ricky replied. This made me smile even more, he really knows how to make me happy.

"Good, cause I missed her too, so what do you say that we go home and have a movie day after school?" I asked happily. "Sure, but I have to ask you som...." the bell rang and he never got to ask me what he wanted to.

I wonder what it was? I mean it's not like he's going to ask me to prom, because he already asked me a week ago.

It was a boring day, I was lonely without Ricky, because he was only in my first period class. I was drawing a heart with 'I love Ricky' in it. I didn't realize that I actually drew that until I heard the bell ring and I looked at what I drew. Wow, it's that bad. I put the paper in my book and walked to lunch.

When I got to the cafeteria I immediately saw Ricky and started to walk over to him, but some bitch "accidentally" bumped into me.

I was pissed. All of my stuff was all over the floor, and I was sitting on my ass. She was gonna pay for that later.

Ricky must have seen because he rushed over to me and started to help me up. All of a sudden he stopped and looked at something. Shit. It must have been the drawing.

I blushed a deep shade of crimson when he looked at me. I didn't know what to do, I was instantly in my 'avoid Ricky mode'.

I picked up the rest of my stuff quickly and bolted out of the cafeteria and to the library. That was my escape.

Ricky's POV

I was eating lunch when I looked over at the door and Lyla walked in. I was happy when I saw her. She really knew how to light up the room.

I heard a loud thud and looked over and Lyla was on the floor, her stuff all around her. I quickly made my way to her side to help her up, and then started to pick up her stuff.

I stopped in my tracks as I saw something. Was I was seeing correctly?

It was a drawing that said 'I love Ricky'.

I looked over at Lyla and she was blushing badly. She then picked up her stuff quickly and ran out of the cafeteria. I ran after her. Of course I did, I wasn't letting her get away now that I knew the truth.

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