Resurfacing Memories

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Delilah's POV

As I made my way into the living room I saw Abby, Allie, Chris, Ryan and Ricky all talking to each other. I cleared my throat and all of their heads snapped in my direction. "You ready to go Ricky?" I asked sweetly. "Yeah, let me just get the car keys and I'll meet you outside." he replied. I nodded my head and made my way towards the door.

When I got outside, it felt kind of refreshing for me. Although it was cold, it felt good to be out for the first time in a month. I sat on the front steps and just looked at nothing until Ricky walked through the front door.

He walked down the steps and stood in front of me with his had out. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. I was kind of sad that he let go of my hand after he pulled me up, but I guess it was expected. We walked to the car and he opened the door for me. "Such a gentleman." I commented. "Only for you." He replied.

Ouch. That stung a little. It brought back memories of when he used to say that to me when we would go out on dates and I would tell him that he was a gentleman. "Lyla, you okay?" Ricky asked. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Well, it kind of looked like you've seen a ghost."

"I'm alright, don't worry about me." I replied. He just nodded his head and walked around the car to get in.

It was a little awkward sitting in silence, so I turned on the radio. This was my car so I expected that

We Came As Romans or Bring Me The Horizon were going to come through the speakers. But of course, Abby must have borrowed my car last. Motionless In White's song Abigail played. Why the fuck not. Let's just add some fuel to this burning fire in my heart.

"Salem, please save me"

There's the bomb.

"Wow, this song is really good. Who sings it?" Ricky ased.

Why the fuck is this happening. I didn't want to listen to this for as long as I did, never mind telling him that he screams a line in this too. It will just lead to questions I really don't want to answer.

"This is Motionless In White's song Abigail." I replied. "Wow, this is really good." He was about to say something else, but he stopped himself because we arrived at a Starbucks. I just got ten times happier. "What do you want Lyla? I'm just going to go in there and get the drinks then we can somewhere else."

"Surprise me." I replied. He once again nodded his head and then walked into Starbucks leaving me all by my lonesome in the car.

While I was waiting for Ricky to get back, I changed the song, which happened to be another Motionless In White song. I skipped passed a few songs before I got to Hurt by Get Scared. It was really describing my mood right now.

Before I knew it, Ricky was coming towards the car with two drinks in his hand. I turned off the music as he got in the car. He handed me my drink and I took a sip. It was hot chocolate. "Do you like it? Because I can always go in and get something else." Ricky rambled. "No, it's my favorite." I replied with a slight chuckle because of his nervousness. "Oh, good because something in my gut was telling me to get that for you."

I took another sip of my cocoa and wondered if somehow the Ricky I know is still in there somewhere. Will he come back to me soon?

"Where do you want to go now?" he asked. "The park?" I replied. He didn't say anything but instead started the car and started to drive.

When we got to the park, I got out of the car and motioned for Ricky to follow me to the swings.

I sat on one of the swings as I finished my nice cup of cocoa and started to swing back and forth. Ricky was sitting on the swing to the left of me when all of a sudden it started to snow. A smile instantly appeared on my face. "Hey Lyla?" Ricky mumbled. "Yeah?" I questioned. "I remember." he replied. I decided to play stupid to test his knowledge. "Remember what?"

"I remembered that you and I are best friends. I also remembered that your favorite colors are dark purple and black like me, and how your favorite drink is hot chocolate even though you told me earlier." He replied. "You know, the little things came back to me." I smiled at him and thought to myself how soon enough he'll be back on track.

After a while of sitting on the swing, I jumped up and started running around the park. I motioned for Ricky to follow me. He soon got up too and began to chase me.

Eventually, I collected enough snow to become a snowball and turned around to throw it at Ricky. He was walking now instead of running in my direction. I had an evil grin plastered to my face and I was about to throw the snow ball at him, when he slipped and fell backwards. I laughed at his clumsiness and then walked over to him. He looked as if he were out cold though.

"Ricky, get up." I laughed. I thought he was faking it, so I threw the snowball at his head. I thought he would've gotten up because of that. I waited a few more seconds before realizing that his face was really pale. I mean paler than usual.

He wasn't faking this.

I put my fingers to his neck and his pulse was extremely low.

Immediately I called for an ambulance and they were there within a few minutes.

"Miss, do you mind telling us what happened to him." the paramedic asked. I feel as though this is all becoming a routine. I nodded my head in response. "We were just running around and he took a nasty spill. It's pretty slippery out here."

"That's all? Because it's very unusual for people to just slip and fall and become unconcious resulting in a low pulse."

"That's all that happened." I replied. "Did he have any recent injuries involving the head?"

"Well, about two months ago we got into a car accident, and he had a concussion."

The paramedic walked over to the ambulance and spoke to one of the other paramedics. It must have been something serious because they both started to move quickly. The paramedic from before walked back over to me and instructed me to meet them at the hospital becasue this was a serious matter.

"Do you know what room Ricky Olson is in?" I asked the receptionist. I was on the verge of tears once again. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait for the doctor to tell you when you can see him. So if you don't mind for now, just wait in the waiting area." she replied sweetly. I sat in those uncomfortable chairs I've sat in so many times before and tried to keep myself strong.

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