Familiar Faces

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Delilah's POV

There hasn't been one day throughout these six years that I haven't thought about Ricky. I still love him.

Now let me tell you about what happened after high school.

Ricky never came back, obviously, and I was heartbroken. Abigail and I moved in together after we graduated, and she has a boyfriend named Chris. She's been with him for almost four years now. It's been a while. I'm still single, and I've never had a boyfriend. I've been too busy for one.

Abigail and I work at a salon together. I ended up going to school to practice this trade, Abby just helps clean. She never went to school after high school.

Anyways, tonight Abigail is going to see her boyfriends band perform and she asked me to go with her. I think the bands name is Motionless in White? Apparently they're pretty famous.

Also, Abby keeps pestering me about how the guitar player of the band and I are both single and how I should meet him. So that's why I'm going, to shut her up. I don't think anything will happen, at least I don't think that I want anything to happen. The way that Abby talks about him makes him seem like a pretty nice guy though.

I've met Abby's boyfriend before, so I don't know why I've never met the band.

Ricky's POV

Tonight was a big night, we were going to perform a new song called Abigail, which Chris wrote about his girlfriend Abigail, and then he was going to propose to her.

Also, Chris told me that her hot friend was coming too. He's been pestering me about getting a girlfriend, but I'm not over Lyla. I still love her. But I am going to talk to her, it's worth a try.

Delilah's POV

"Lyla, get ready for your boyfriend, we gotta go!" I mentally rolled my eyes and then walked down the stairs in my black ripped skinny jeans, a plain white crop top that had sleeves going off my shoulders.

"Finally" Abby whispered to herself. "I heard that" I replied with a chuckle. "Whatever, let's go, you'll love them by the way, they are an amazing band!" She gushed. "Your just saying that Abby, because your boyfriend is the lead singer."

"Well duh! His voice is amazing!" Abby yelled loudly. "Mhm. I'm sure."

When we got to the concert, we got there just in time, the band was about to start. Abby and I ended up with backstage passes obviously because she has the biggest connection. Chris.

"How the fuck are you doing tonight!" I'm guessing Chris yelled. The crowd roared in excitement. "We're going to sing a new song called Abigail tonight for you guys, I hope you like it." I wasn't really paying attention to the band, just the crowd. They were crazy.

Burn baby burn

She's a witch, she's a witch and I'm a heretic

So, learn baby learn

She's a witch, she's a witch and I'm a heretic so, learn

Oh Abigail how could you do this to us? You were a product of lust ( product of lust)

And now this rope on my neck stopped all the blood to my head

So, now Salem please save me (Salem please save me)

When I heard that last line, I heard a different person screaming "Salem please save me." I immediately looked up.

It made me kind of sad, because Ricky used to call me Salem. Yet again, now that I'm looking, the guitar player does look like Ricky. Abigail nudged me. "Someone's staring."

"Shut it Abby" I said. "That's your future boyfriend over there." I gave Abby the death glare. "Fine, I'll shut up now." She replied. We both laughed and listened to the rest of the song.

When the song was over Chris began to talk again. "Abigail, baby, this song was for you. Will you come out here for a minute." I looked over at Abby and she was shocked. When she started to walk on stage I made eye contact with the guitar player.

His eyes were a familiar shade of blue. His familiar lip rings. Shit. I knew who I was looking at. After all of this time.

I looked over at Abby and saw Chris get on one knee. Wow, Abby is one lucky girl tonight. "Will you marry me Abigail?" Chris spoke into the mic. "Hell yes!" Abby answered exasperated. I was so happy for her.

When Abby walked back to me she had tears in her eyes, happy tears. "Congrats, I'm so happy for you!" I squealed.

My mind kept telling me to get the fuck out of there every time Ricky looked over at me. It was like he knew it was me, but then he didn't know it was me at the same time.

"This song is called Fatal!" Chris yelled into the mic. Abby said that this was one of her favorites so we watched and listened.

I saw your eyes, so convincing

I saw everything that night

You were the quiet actress,

A flawed masterpiece

So cold, our darkest days

Sleepless, our darkest nights

Line after line, but love is forever

A beauty bound in cold silver,

Broken bottles and empty lockets,

Exhaling bittersweet

Your words were laced in gold

A guilded memoir engraved into my soul

Do you recall that night you led me astray?

Do you recall tainting me with your apathy?


Mutilated our malice,

Our intoxicating, advocating lust for a cause

You walked away that night

And instilled virtue

A fatal kiss

My muse there is nothing I can do for you

When the song ended, I ran behind the building and cried. All of my emotions were flowing through me all at one time. I cried for at least 20 minutes before anyone found me.

"Delilah?" I heard someone say, it was a males voice. "Delilah, I know it's you." The man sighed. Damn it, it's Ricky.

"Over here" I said in between sobs. I felt him hug me. "Don't cry Lyla, it's okay." I looked up into is piercing blue eyes. "It's been a while Ricky" I said now calmed down. "I missed you so much, it hurt me when you didn't come back that day." I was left heartbroken. "I'm sorry, but I was given this opportunity."

"Wait, Abigail was your friend in school?" Ricky asked changing the subject after a light bulb went off somewhere in his head. "Yup, I'm surprised after all this time we haven't seen each other sooner" I replied. It was quiet for a while, but Ricky broke the ice.

"Delilah, do you still love me?" Wow, I didn't see this coming.

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