Starting Over

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Delilah's POV

I can't believe that he doesn't remember anything at all.

What if he doesn't remember anything ever?

No. Stop thinking like this Lyla. It will all be okay.

But what if it's not?

"What are you thinking about?" Allie asked as we were on our way home. "Just stuff." I replied. "Come on Lyla, you were in a pretty deep thought for 'just stuff'. Now tell me what you were really thinking about." I took a deep breath. "I was thinking about Ricky." I said. "What about him? He'll be perfectly fine."

"That's just it Allie, what if he's never going to be okay?" Thinking about this made me sad. "If he doesn't ever remember, then we'll be here for you. All of us." She said. "Thank you so much Allie, I needed that reassurance." I breathed out with relief. "Anytime Lyla."

After a little while of silence I decided that since It was just us girls in the car,  We could use some music. I turned on some music, and since this was Abby's car, Infamous was in the CD player. "Why do you have MIW CDs in all of the time?" I asked Abby. "Supporting the husband. Have a problem?"

"More like obsessed with the husband." Allie and I laughed. "Yeah, yeah. I'm a little obsessed so what?" I just laughed again.

Soon enough, we got to my house. I realized that the guys weren't here yet so I took the opportunity to go upstairs and hide away in my room for a while. I just needed to be alone.

I was about to doze off after almost 20 minutes of being up in my room when I heard a soft knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled.

When the door opened I saw Ricky and Chris standing on the other side of the door. "Can I help you?" I asked them. "Well, Ricky wanted to talk to you, and I was just showing him the way." Chris replied.

Ricky walked into my room and Chris left, so Ricky and I were now alone.

"Hey Lyla, I was wondering if I could just talk to you for a minute." Ricky asked. "Sure, but what did you want to talk about?"

"Well, I wanted to talk about us." I sucked in a breath. "Sure, what about us?" I asked. I didn't really want to talk about this. "Um, I'm really sorry about not remembering you Lyla." He spoke with sadness laced in his voice. "I guess it's alright, I mean it's not your fault." I replied. "I also wanted to know if we could start over, as friends, and I could get to know you a little better."

"Sure." I replied trying to hold the tears that threatened to spill. We were friends. Just friends.

That was what I didn't want to happen. Starting over.

I lost Ricky again.

"I'm going to leave now, and once again I'm really sorry. I feel as though I meant a lot to you."  he said as he walked out the door.

As soon as Ricky walked out of my room, I closed the door behind him. I slid down the door and cried, and cried, and cried.

"Lyla, are you alright?" Chris asked from the other side of the door. "No." I cried. "Can I come in?" I got up and opened the door slightly. "What did Ricky say Lyla. And don't lie, because I know that it was something that he said." Chris stated. "He t-told m-me that h-he wanted to start o-over as f-friends." I choked out. Chris embraced me in a hug and then kissed my head. I took him up on the hug and  just cried into his chest. "He'll be himself before you know it Lyla." Chris cooed.

Suddenly I felt a little light headed from all the crying. I just need some sleep. "Can I be alone right now and just get some sleep?" I asked. "Are you sure you want to be alone, I can go get Abby or one of the other girls." I just nodded. "I want to be alone."

I got under the covers and turned the light off as Chris walked out leaving me all alone with my thoughts.

"You are all that I have left, and I am lost without you." I thought to myself.

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