Shopping Dates

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Delilah's POV

I put my phone on the coffee table and grabbed some clothes from my suitcase since we were still on tour.

I then headed for the bathroom and got dressed, and eventually made my way back to the living room to wait for Ricky to get up.

I was hoping that we could go out for breakfast and spend some time together before I went out with Devin later today.

Another hour passed and it was now 11:28 and no one was up besides Devin and I, so, I was going to wake everyone up.

I walked to the back of the bus to all of the bunks and chose Chris and Abby's first. I took a bottle of whipped cream and sprayed it all over the two of them. "What the hell!" Abby yelled. "Really Lyla, you couldn't come up with anything better than that?" Chris said. "No, I just needed a quick way to wake you up.

"Shut up!" Ryan yelled. "No! Get the fuck up!" I screamed right into his bunk. "I'm really surprised that Balz and Ricky haven't woken up yet" I told Devin. "Hold the whipped cream, I'm going in." I told Abby.

I opened the curtain and jumped into our bunk, and straddled his waist. "What are you doing?" Ricky asked. "Waking you up" I replied. "It's not gonna happen." He closed his eyes tiredly. "Sure it is."

I began to make out with him, and he just kissed back. We all know that he can't resist me. I pulled away and he looked sad. "Sorry baby, but that was your wake up call, so get up. We are going to go out so get dressed too."

"That wasn't fair! That was more like a booty call that was left hanging!" He whined. "You can't do that!"

I left feeling satisfied, but now I needed to wake Balz up. I saw that Abby already did, so I went back to the living room for the hundredth time today, and looked at the pictures on my phone to keep me occupied.

As I was looking at the pictures on my phone, I hadn't noticed that Ricky was sitting right next to me. "What are you doing?" He asked. I jumped out of place a bit. I was not expecting that. "When the fuck did you get there?" I asked him. "Like two minutes ago."

"Oh, well are you ready to go." He nodded and we left.

At 'breakfast' if that's what you want to call it, since we were eating at almost one o'clock, we were just making some small conversation. "So, Lyla since Christmas is soon...."

"You mean in like six months" I interrupted. My birthday was June 13, so today was the 14th. "Well, I wanted a head start."

"I'll tell you when it's Christmas." I stared blankly at him. "Don't leave me hanging Lyla."

"Too late, I'm not gonna tell you until then. Not even on Christmas Eve." Ricky frowned. "Then how am I supposed to get you something?"

"Figure it out yourself, it means more when it comes from your heart than from my mouth. Now Ricky, what did you want for your birthday, since it's in almost three months instead of six." I asked. "Well, I'm not going to tell you either."

"Fine, I already know what to get you." I said completely shocking him. "What?" He asked me. "You'll have to wait for your birthday." I smiled sweetly.

Our food came and I dug into it with no hesitation. I ended up getting pancakes and an order of French fries that tasted like heaven. I know, weird combination of food. So what?

When I finally came up for air, I saw that we were both almost done, so I took a break and thought about what we were going to do in our couple of hours together.

That's it! I've got a pretty good idea.

"Hey, wanna go shopping." I asked Ricky. "Sure, what kind of shopping?"

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