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Abby's POV

My eyes fluttered open and the sunlight was shining right through the window. Ugh, I hate the sun. I stretched my arms and sat up in my bed, and suddenly realization hit me. It hit me with such a force it felt like I was being pelted with bricks. It was realization that I was about to get married. The once in a lifetime opportunity that every girl dreams of is happening today. To me.

I quickly jumped out of bed, and ran down the hall into the bathroom where my clothes were laid out. I wasn't going to change into my dress until we got to the reception area. As I turned the water on to the shower, I stripped of all my pajamas and then stepped in. The hot water eased my muscles a bit, and soon, I felt nervousness ease as well.

When I was done showering, I put on my clothes, packed my make up and dress and headed downstairs to wake up all of the girls. As I made my way into the living room I decided to wake up Lyla first. I tried to be careful and not trip over anyone since they all slept on the floor. But I failed at that. I ended up tripping over Allie and landing face first on the floor. "What the fuck was that!" Allie yelled while shooting up in place. As soon as she noticed me though, she started to laugh. "This isn't funny." I whined. "Sure it is." I heard many chuckled around the room. Well at least I didn't have to wake anyone up, Allie did that for me.

"Get up, we've got to start heading out" I said. "Alright Mrs. Motionless,but give us time to wake up a bit." Lyla replied. I smiled at the thought of being known as Mrs. Motionless after today.

As the girls were getting ready I made some coffee, mostly for Lyla, hoping it would put her in a better mood after what happened yesterday. "Lyla, I made coffee!" I yelled. Soon enough she came running into the kitchen. "I heard coffee!" She exclaimed. "Yeah, I know how much you love coffee." "I really do love coffee, and this is exceptionally good because I didn't get any yesterday because some fucktard decided to drink it all on me." I laughed. Chris always calls people fuctards. "What's so funny?"

She asked. "Chris always calls people that." I replied. "Who do you think I got that from?" I just shrugged.

"Let's get you married!" Lyla yelled after she took the last sip of her coffee. "I'm so nervous, it's insane." "You'll do fine." Kelly replied. "What if I trip!" I exclaimed "Like I said, you'll do fine." She repeated. "So what if you fall, it's not like Chris hasn't seen you trip before." I laughed remembering the first time I saw Chris. "What's with you and laughing to yourself today?" Allie asked. "I was remembering the first time I met Chris." I replied "I want to know what the story is." Allie asked.

"Well, I was at a Motionless concert and I remember that I really had to pee, and I saw this really hot guy. So of course, I was staring at him and not watching where I was going. Someone slammed into me and I fell right on top of the mysterious hot guy. He had a Starbucks coffee in his hand and it spilled all over me when I got slammed into him. When I looked down at him, I knew instantly who it was and I said I was sorry like five hundred times, no wonder I thought he was so hot. He kept telling me it was ok and that I should probably go with him to their bus because I looked like I just fell in a puddle of mud with that huge coffee stain. I ended up forgetting that I had to pee, and went with him to their bus. After I got cleaned up, he said that I was really pretty and asked me to stay and watch a movie with him. Of course I agreed, and on my way out he gave me his number and told me to call him sometime. That's my story, what about yours?" I asked.

"Why don't we share them in the car?" Lyla suggested. We all nodded and headed for the car. I packed in my dress, makeup and other stuff I need for the wedding into the trunk and jumped in the passenger seat, because Allie wanted to drive.

"Alright, I told you my story, who's next?" "I'll go, it's just short and sweet." Allie replied. "Okay, so it was a hot summer day, at warped almost two years ago. I was packing the merch away at the end of the day when Ryan walked up to me and said that he had to tell me something. At first I was like, okay what's your question, but he said that it wasn't a question. Ryan just needed to tell me something. He told me that he liked me, and I can remember that he was about to walk away, but I stopped him and told him that I like him too. After that, we pretty much spent every day together and he asked me out after maybe a week." "That's so cute." Kelly cooed. "Who's next, Lyla or Kelly?" "I'll go" Kelly said.

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