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Delilah's POV

When I woke up, I felt my head throbbing. What the hell happened?

I reached up and held my head in my hands and felt something warm and sticky run down my hand. It was blood. Suddenly everything came back to me, and I instantly looked to my left to see if Ricky was okay. He was slumped over with his head on the steering wheel, and blood visibly coming from his head as well.

I quickly got out of the car and around to Ricky. I opened the door and two things fell out of the car. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and turned it on to see what it was.

As I pointed the light towards the ground, I saw that one of the objects was his phone, as the other was a tiny black box. I quickly picked both of the things up and shoved them in my purse not thinking about what it was that was in that box, but about Ricky.

I hovered over Ricky and shook him. "Ricky! Wake up!" I yelled. "Wake up!". No response. I felt his pulse. I feared the worse,  but his pulse was still there. Faint, but still there.

As quickly as I could, I called an ambulance and just stood there by his side waiting for the paramedics to arrive. "Wake up!" I yelled "I know your still alive! I need you! Wake up!" I yelled. I was crying a river and shaking like crazy by this point.

I just kept yelling those things over and over again while shaking his fragile figure until the paramedics came.

"Miss, you need to step away from him so we can do our job and get him to the hospital." One of the paramedics said. I didn't even know they were here.

I watched as they quickly got him out of the car and on to a stretcher.

After they put him on the stretcher and strapped him on it, they began rushing him to the ambulance. My legs quickly chased after them. One of the men tried pushing me away, but I refused to back away.

"Let me go with him!" I yelled. "Sorry miss, but you can't go unless your immediate family."

"I'm his wife!" I blurted not even thinking about what I just said. "Alright, you can get in." The man replied. When I got into the ambulance I sat there and held Ricky's hand all the way to the hospital. "I love you Ricky, don't leave me again." I cried. "You promised."

Soon enough, we were at the hospital and they rushed him in, while they made me follow some nurse into another room to clean up my head. "I'm okay! Just let me go see him!" I cried. "Miss, calm down, you'll be able to see him soon." The nurse, who I found out was named Arielle spoke.

Reluctantly I followed her into a room, and soon enough my cut was bandaged up and cleaned. They did some other tests to make sure that I wasn't internally bleeding and other shit like that.  "Can I see him now?" I asked Arielle.  "You can see him when the doctor comes out and calls you over to him." She replied. "For now, you'll have to wait in the waiting room."

"Thanks" I replied.

When I sat down in a chair in the waiting room, I remembered that I should probably call everyone and make sure that their okay. I ended up calling Chris since he's Ricky's best friend.

Chris: Hey Rick what's up?

Lyla: It's Lyla, I called on Ricky's phone

Chris: What's wrong Lyla?

Lyla: It's Ricky

Chris: What happened?

Lyla: We got into an accident, and I don't know if he's going to be okay Chris. I'm scared

Chris: Abby and I will inform the others and then we'll be there soon

Lyla: Hurry!

As I was putting his phone back in my purse, I felt something. It was that black box. I pulled it out of my purse and opened it. It revealed an engagement ring.

He was going to propose.

I slipped the ring on my finger and just cried harder than I have ever cried in my life. I can't lose him now. I just can't.

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